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Posts posted by diddy

  1.  Hi,

    I was wondering if there is a script which allows me to validate the domains. I have 45 domains and I don't really want to open all of them manually on the JasperReports Server to validate them. So is there a script available to do this kind of job. I am using JRS 3.7.



  2.  I upgraded my Eclipse plugin to the latest version. I tried to add the chart theme jar as well to the class path (Using Add External Jar) and then my report still doesn't work. The same report works in iReport though.

    Post Edited by diddy at 01/20/2012 13:55
  3.  Hi,

    Why are external style sheets not applied in iReport at design time in 98% of the cases (iReport on Mac OS, various verisons tested)? I do see the external style names listed, but they are not visually applied / report in design mode looks like it had no styles applied at all. The preview works though. 

    [JasperStudio applies external style sheets properly at design time]



  4.  Hi,

    I am using an external style sheet and for some elements I defined the opaque setting (mode="opaque"). I realized that iReport by default adds mode="transparent" each time I edit a report. This is bad as it will overwrite the external style definition. This causes unnecassary extra work as I have to remove this attribute all the time manually. Is there a way to change this iReport default behaviour? JasperStudio i.e. doesn't do this. 

    Best regards,


    Post Edited by diddy at 01/12/2012 13:30

    Post Edited by diddy at 01/12/2012 16:54
  5.  I tried to add the jar of my chart template as an external jar to my Java Project (right click on project folder > properties > java build path > libraries). But I still get an error message. Can somebody shed some light onto how this is supposed to be done?

  6.  Hi,

    I'd like to keep style definitions, property files, chart styles etc in one global resource directory and reference them in each project. I don't want to use any paths, only the file names. How do I achieve this? I tried various approaches (i.e. linked resources) but couldn't get this working so far.



  7.  Hi,

    I am facing the same problem as the person posted here before. I like the concept of having an external style sheet, what I don't like is having to define the styles for style conditions locally. It's fine to define the conditions locally, but it's unefficient to use locally defined styles for this. Why can we not reference styles from style templates? If I have hundreds of reports to maintain, using external styles for style conditions is clearly an advantage.



  8.  Hi,

    I was quite happy to see the addition of the JRS plugin for JasperStudio in the latest version.

    I did some testing and I found quite some bugs (please provide me a link to your bug tracking system):

    The JRS I am currently working with is on version 3.7.0, so I am not sure if this might be an issue as well.

    JasperStudio Bugs


    When trying to upload a resource bundle, in Select Resource File … the file extension is set to *.propeties* -> please change to *.properties*


    When trying to upload a Report Unit, paths are not copied from the file selection dialog to the main dialog.

    When selecting a data source I get following error:

    java.lang.ClassCastException: com.jaspersoft.studio.server.model.MFolder cannot be cast to com.jaspersoft.studio.server.model.server.MServerProfile

    Upload works for me only without defining any data source. Once the file is uploaded, the external file references are still the same and no external files are uploaded (this is a very different behaviour to iReport).


    If do implement one day the same approach as in iReport, please do not change the references in the local file (or at least give an option. I do most of my work locally and then upload. Currently iReport overwrites all external file references on upload. Also, I'd appreciate if all external files would be uploaded in one go including properties, chart theme files).


    Best regards,




  9.  Hi,

    I have one main report with 6 subreports. Initially I had conditional formatting to achieve an alternating row background colour in each subreport. When adding the first two subreports everything worked fine. Then adding the 3rd one caused problems. When I took the conditional formatting off the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th subreport all worked fine. 

    I use exactly the same condition for all reports: $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2==0

    Does somebody have an idea why this might cause problems?





    Post Edited by diddy at 12/01/2011 19:30
  10.  ... ok I got it working. If somebody has to same problem, here is how to solve it:

    (1) Make sure your report is within a Java Project folder and contains a src folder.

    (2) Put your properties files within this src folder if you already created them elsewhere. Otherwise, right click on the src folder and choose to add a new file. This file has to have the extension .properties. You can open the file then with the build-in text editor and create the key value pairs.

    (3) Choose the root element of your report. In the properties dialog go to Advanced > Misc, expand Main Query, then for Resource Bundle choose the properties file. Note: In the current version of JasperStudio, the relative path will be inserted. This is wrong.

    (4) Time to fix this: Save the report. Close it. Right click on the report file, choose Open with > Text editor. Look/Search for the resource bundle reference and replace the relative path with just the filename (and NO file extension). 

    Now everything will work.




  11.  Hi,

    I currently have my properties files for my report in the same folder as the jrxml file. When I try to add the resource bundle, JasperStudio uses the relative path (and not just the filename as iReport does). When I then click preview, I get an error message saying that the file could not be found. Exactly the same report works perfectly in iReport when using just the filename without the extension. Does someone know how to get this working in JasperStudio?



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