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Posts posted by Sparrow

  1. I have a report that contains two subreports, the report runs fine on my laptop, but when the report and its subreports are copied to the server and imported into Red Prairie, the report no longer works. I have tested, and found that the issue lies with referencing the subreports. 

    The file paths of the subreports are stored in parameters eg. JR_TEMPLATE_DIR, sothat the paths may be altered to reference a Red Prairie repository path, eg. home/...../reports, with ease.

    My question is: What could be missing from my side (develloping the reports in iReport) that would cause the main report to not detect the sub reports once they are on a server and/or on Red Prairie? eg. linking my main report to the subreports that are already on the server instead, or is there a way to reference the subreports wit a relative path (currently while I create a sub report, the whole path from C:/ to /reports gets saved in a parameter called "JR_TEMPLATE_DIR" or by default in the "SUBREPORT_DIR" parameter.)

    I am currently using iReport 4.0.2 which has been confirmed to be the version that is compatible with the current Red Prairie setup on the server.


    I would be glad to offer more information where needed.

  2. Hi there,

    I have a report that displays info based on input controls. eg. Enter a name, surname etc, and query returns all data accordingly. I want the user to be able to supply one or multiple inputs. eg. (name, or surname, or ID) or (name, surname, and ID) Currently if a user supplies more than one input, the query returns all results that match name, all results that match surname, and all results that match ID. Is there a way to narrow the results when the user supplies more input? ( eg. only the results that match ALL criteria)

    I have tried to use AND & OR together, and AND & XOR together, with no results

    Any tips please


  3. Hi there,

    I have a report that displays info based on input controls. eg. Enter a name, surname etc, and query returns all data accordingly. I want the user to be able to supply one or multiple inputs. eg. (name, or surname, or ID) or (name, surname, and ID) Currently if a user supplies more than one input, the query returns all results that match name, all results that match surname, and all results that match ID. Is there a way to narrow the results when the user supplies more input? ( eg. only the results that match ALL criteria)

    I have tried to use AND & OR together, and AND & XOR together, with no results

    Any tips please


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