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Posts posted by leunajyee

  1.  Hi guys,

             I am currently working with Web reports using the built-in web servlets and features of the JasperReports library.  I have successfully ran reports using the web framework but I was wondering about the viewer, is there a way to have an "export to PDF" button in the web viewer's toolbar?  If there is, can you guys share some ideas how you did it? Your help and advises will be very much appreciated.

    I've attached a screenshot of the web viewer's toolbar so you guys could see what I mean.




  2.  Hi all,

           I watched the webinar regarding the JasperReports Interactive Web Framework.  In the webinar, Mr. Teodor Danciu said that report parameters can be passed to the built in ReportServlet class.

    There was no example from his webinar on how to do this, he just said that parameters for reports can be passed just like servlet request parameters in a link or browser address bar.  I tried using this technique, but all I get is a "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: No input source supplied to the exporter." error.  Which basically means my report did not receive the required parameters.

    Has anyone here tried using the built in ReportServlet from the web framework included in the library?  If you did, have you tried running reports with parameters in it using the servlet parameter/arguments? 

    If someone had success stories using the ReportServlet for their web reports with parameters, your help and advice on how you did this will be very much appreciated.  Thank you.

    Best regards,


    Post Edited by leunajyee at 07/31/2012 08:01
  3.  Hi,

           I know this thread was years ago, but I am having the same problem.  I am trying to make a report that should prompt when paramaters needed to be prompted.  Not in iReport but in a separate Java application.  I would like to ask about your solution/code, but I do not know how to contact you.  You help and advice will be very much appreciated.  Thank you.



  4.  Hi all,

           I've been using JasperReports for quite a while and we came across a complicated report that required us to do calculations based on our client's business and mathematical formulas.  I was wondering about variables, I cannot see a way for variables to wait on each other before getting printed.


    I have variable 3 wich depends on the calculations of variable 1 and variable 2.  What happens is that when calculations within dependent variables like the one I mentioned gets complicated, the fill up process displays null for the variable.  I have a feeling that JasperReports prints the variable at the start of the fill-up process without doing/finishing the calculations beforehand.  

    I can also see this happen when the variable is waiting for the return value from a subreport.  JasperReports fills up the variable without waiting for the other dependencies to finish.  In this case, the variable should be dependent on the return value from the subreport before getting prinited, but JasperReports prints variable anyway which results in displaying a null for the variable.  

    Unless the variable which is dependent on the subreport gets placed in the Summary band, it will not print - especially when placing it on the Details band.

    JasperReports is an advanced tool, so I cannot see (and did not expect) that these sort of things such as variable dependency aren't addressed even with the tools early days.

    Anyone out here have had the same problem before?  Maybe you have some workaround on this that you finished.  Your help and advises will be very much appreciated.

    Best regards,


  5. Hi all,

            I have a project that uses reports with subreports.  One of the major requirements of the project is to store files inside the database so I store my report jrxml templates inside the database.  Whenever we wanted to generate a report, we pull out the report's jrxml file from the database (as InputStream) and then compile and fill the report.  This is successful for plain reports that has no subreports.  But problem arises when there are subreports.

    I was wondering whether there is a way to compile subreports into objects and then pass them to the report runner/filler to be filled together with the main report rather than compiling the subreports into .jasper files and then temporarily store them in the file system prior to the filling of the main report.

    As what I have seen, the JasperCompileManager.compile(InputStream) returns a JasperReport object.  So when I compile my subreport, it is then represented by a JasperReport object which is cool.  But is there a way to include this resulting JasperReport object in to the main report when the main report is compiled and filled? Hopefully there is so that we don't need to save temp subreport .jasper files into the file system.

    I'll include a code below so people will get a grasp of what I wanted to achieve.

    Looking forward for a positive and helpfull response.



    // the InputStream representation of the JRXML file is pulled from the database.InputStream subreportInputStream = resultSet.getBinaryStream( "templateFileContent" );JasperReport subreport = JasperCompileManager.compile( subreportInputStream );// after the code above, I do not know if it is even possible to combine the // resulting object in the main report compilation.  Is there a way? 
  6.  Hi everyone,

               I was wondering if JasperReports allow having mulitple Java class datasource.  For example, I made/designed a report template that needs data from 3 different Java classes/EJBs.  Is there a way to do that in JasperReports? If there is, how can I do it or how can I use it in making a template to accept many different Java classes as datasource?  Your help will be very much appreciated. 


  7. Hi all,

    We are currently developing our reports using JasperReports and we are using Orion Server as our application server.  Orion can be run using it's own .bat file or can be run as a Windows service provided that a wrapper is installed.

    Our clients all run our main application using Windows service method ( of running Orion).  The problem is, when we use this method of running through Windows Service, we get errors that does not exist when we use the .bat file method of running our Orion Server.  When we use the .bat file, JasperReports run smoothly.  But with the Windows Service it gives an error.  We've already added the fonts extension JAR file (which is generated using iReport) to the classpath.  And also all the other JAR files needed to run JasperReports.  The error details below:

    java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.(JRBaseFiller.java:121)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.(JRVerticalFiller.java:77)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.(JRVerticalFiller.java:87)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.(JRVerticalFiller.java:57)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.createFiller(JRFiller.java:142)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:78)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:624)	at /osi/content/billOfLadingReportJR.jsp._jspService(/osi/content/billOfLadingReportJR.jsp.java:286) (JSP page line 193)	at com.orionserver(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273)).http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273))._ay._rkb(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273)).server.http.JSPServlet.service(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273))._csb._pvd(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273))._csb._boc(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273))._ax._lsc(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273))._ax._uab(Unknown Source)	at com.evermind(Orion/2.0.7 (build 11273))._bf.run(Unknown Source)Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Problem reading font data.	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFace.(SimpleFontFace.java:77)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFamily.createFontFace(SimpleFontFamily.java:316)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFamily.setNormal(SimpleFontFamily.java:85)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionHelper.parseFontFamily(SimpleFontExtensionHelper.java:243)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionHelper.parseFontFamilies(SimpleFontExtensionHelper.java:214)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionHelper.loadFontFamilies(SimpleFontExtensionHelper.java:183)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionHelper.loadFontFamilies(SimpleFontExtensionHelper.java:152)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.FontExtensionsRegistry.getExtensions(FontExtensionsRegistry.java:55)	at net.sf.jasperreports.extensions.DefaultExtensionsRegistry.getExtensions(DefaultExtensionsRegistry.java:110)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser.(JRStyledTextParser.java:83)	... 16 moreCaused by: java.io.IOException: Problem reading font data.	at java.awt.Font.createFont(Font.java:924)	at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFace.(SimpleFontFace.java:69)	... 25 more

    Hopefully you can give us a hand..

    Your help and advices are very much appreciated

  8.  Hi everyone,

            I'm currently working on this project where we have different EJBs that we use for our current reporting.  We decided to use JasperReport to make it easier anf manageable.  Now I have a problem and I don't know why I could'nt seen to find an example in the internet or in books where the datasources are multiple EJBs.  These EJBs are not the same at all (not a collection), they are unique from each other, and some have no relation to each other at all.  I would like to ask you all if there's a way to have multiple EJB datasources in JasperReports?  Because if there's a way to have multiple mysql datasource from different mysql schemas, I'm assuming it should be that JasperReports have some multiple EJB datasource feature too but I don't know how.. Your help and support is very much appreciated.  Thank you. 

  9.  Thank you for your response frankhassanabad.  Yes I played with subreports before.  I think it is not what I needed for appending reports since the whole structure of my reports already has subreports within them.  My problem is I don't know how to append the these reports to after filling them up.  I just needed to append theses reports because I am using different collections of EJBs as datasources for each report.

    I just wanted them to look like:


    Report2 (appended at the next page at the end of Report1)

    Report3 (appended at the next page at the end of Report2)


    ReportN (appended at the next page at the end of ReportN-1)

    ..and so fort

  10.  Hi everyone,  I was wondering whether JasperReports has a feature to append reports..let's say I filled this report, wth this datasource, then I filled another report with another different datasource - then append the last report at the end (at the next page) of each report and so fort.. Is there a way to do this in JasperReports? It's like appending PDF1 to PDF2 up to..PDFn.  Your response  and help will be very much appreiciated.  Thank you.

  11.  Hi shertage,

          Thank you for that.  Studied subreports and it helped with my problem.  I was wondering about another thing, how about when on every Owner, there is a new page? for examle:

    Owner 1: 

     - groups of data 1 for owner 1

    - groups of data 2 for owner 1

    - groups of data 3 for owner 1 


    Owner 2: - now this should start/print in a new page no matter how big the space left in the previous owner.


     - groups of data 1 for owner 2

    - groups of data 2 for owner 2

    - groups of data 3 for owner 2


    Do you have any idea on how to do this even with just iReport?  Any help will be very much appreciated. Thank you

  12.  Hi all,

           We are having a project in our company and we are thinking about replacing our exisiting reporting modules with jasper reports.  I am using iReport for editing templates as it is much easier.  I was trying to replicate one of our reports in order for my boss to see and decide that jasper report is good for the project.  I know it is and that I just have to make sure I know how to use it to make my boss see that it's worth a try.

    My problem is we have a report that divides data per owner of the data that looks like this (and should be displayed like this):

    Owner 1:

     - groups of data 1 for owner 1

    - groups of data 2 for owner 1

    - groups of data 3 for owner 1


    Owner 2:

     - groups of data 1 for owner 2

    - groups of data 2 for owner 2

    - groups of data 3 for owner 2


    ..and so on and so forth.  And for every new owner, it should jump to the beginng of the next page.  There are no limit as to how many groups of data the owners can have.  How can I display or fill the jasper report template so that it will look like the one above? The only method I know is the column and details method like below:

    Column1             Column2              Column3 - these guys belong to the column header band

    Detail 1                  Detail 2                 Detail 3 - these guys belong to the details and is repeatedly displayed for every query.

    Detail 1                  Detail 2                 Detail 3

    Detail 1                  Detail 2                 Detail 3


    I have also attached an example of our report in PDF form.  I hope you all could help with this because we are still beginning to use iReport and  JasperReports into our reporting modules.  Thank you.

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