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Posts posted by nicolas400

  1. Hi,

    I want to know if I can create a Bean like: List<Object, List<Object>> and pass it to a report, to show a Dotter graph where I have multiple column values,

    The thing is that the secon List can have 2 or more elements and I don't know on runtime!

    like this:


     Value 1Value 2Value 3Value 4Value 5
    Serie 110080100180100
    Serie 2100100808070
    Serie 3     

    And, in other time I only need value 1 and value 2

    and in other time could be 20 Value commands.


    I'm using eclipse rcp, with Jasper Reports 4.1.2.

    I know is old, but i need it !

    This is a sample on how I pass data to the reports

                Map<Object, Object> parameters = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
                parameters.put("anio", anio.getAnio());
                parameters.put("logo", "/images/logo.jpg");
                parameters.put("filial", filial);
                parameters.put("f", cruzas.get(0).getFilial());        //Tomo Primer Filial    
                List<CruzaDTO> contenido = generarContenido(cruzas, filial);
                JRBeanCollectionDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(contenido);
                JasperReport report = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject(FilialesReportGenerator.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("reportes/FilialesLibro.jasper"));
                print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, ds);




  2.  Hi, I have a SQL query that si a sort of PIVOT table, like sales by person and period query.

    The common problem is that I don't know how many sales-persons do I have at some time.

    so the query should have some fixed columns as id and period, and some variabe columns as persons !

    Is design mode the report looks great,

    but what appends when I run this on the real application ?

    I want to know if there is a way for creating series in the report on the fly ?

    I'm using .jasper files, so the report is compiled when i use it on the application.


    Best Regards



  3.  Hy, I'm quite newby to Jasper Report,

    I'm upgrading an application that was developed a few years ago.

    So I'm upgrading som reports.

    I'm working with an old version of library (2.0.3) and iReport (2.05).

    My question is, the report has a parameter that is an Object of mi application, so the DataSource is allway an object, never gos to the database directly.

    That object got a property that is a List.

    @Entity@Table(name="Ensayos")public class Ensayo implements Cloneable {	private Integer id;	private Integer anio;	private String epoca;	private String nombre = new String();	private String descripcion = new String();	private Date fechaSiembra;	//private Localidad localidad = null;	private String localidad;	private Integer cantidadCruzas;	private Integer cantidadRepeticiones;	private Integer parcela;	private List repeticiones = null;	private Date fechaCreacion = null;	private Date fechaImportacion = null;	private Date fechaExportacion = null;	private Date ultimaModificacion = null;	private boolean activo = true;	private boolean replicado = false;	//private boolean realeatorizado = false;	//private Integer cantidadTestigos;	private boolean seleccionada = false;}

    So, in the detail section I have a lot of Fields, that use attributes of object

    for example; 


    So my question is:

    how jasper know how to map report field $F{peso} to the attribute peso in Repeticion class ?

    And anoter issue that I have is that althoug I add the bin folder, root folder an model folder to the menu option: Options->ClassPath, I allway get the error on design that the class ar.com.cse.balanza.model.Ensayo is not found !

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Best regards


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