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Posts posted by izreena

  1.  I have successfully integrate Jasper Reports with Rails using Oracle database, or Xml data source, but not with MySQL database.

    I have been using guide from http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/howtointegratejasperreports to achieve that.

    The error that I get when running this report from Rails is 



    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

    at XmlJasperInterface.report(XmlJasperInterface.java:96)

    at XmlJasperInterface.main(XmlJasperInterface.java:67)


    In the code below is snippet from my XmlJasperInterface (refer rails wiki) and the error is pointing at the mysql connector driver. I compiled XmlJasperInterface with Netbeans, and I have already added in MySQL JDBC library in my project. The classnotfound error still persists. Anyone has experience in this?


    I think this is Java/Jasper problem, not Rails related, that's why I'm posting here.


    Thanks :)




    Post Edited by themillie at 07/09/2012 07:56
  2.  I have a report that is grouped by Date.

    I take in parameters $P{fromDate}  as 1 January and $P{toDate} as 3 January.

    Problem is, my report only displays for the record available which is on 2 January. There are no records of 1 January and 3 January in the database (no data). What I want is that my group to print all 1 January, 2 January, and 3 January, but for no data, it will print out zero. For now it totally ignores 1 January and 3 January.

    So what I'm trying to do, I have a variable $V{varDate} which takes value from parameter $P{fromDate}. The purpose of the variable is because I want to increment the value.

    Let say $P{fromDate} is 1 January, I want to increment the $V{varDate} to 2 January, 3 January and up until my $P{toDate}.


    The reason for this is because I want to put in $V{varDate} as my Group expression. That way maybe $V{varDate} will display value os 1, 2 and 3 January?


    I am a bit lost here :( Please see the code, I have write in my expectations and what the problem is.

    Thanks in advance.


    Post Edited by themillie at 03/06/2012 09:15
  3. I'm not sure I understand. I just want static columns and rows where the only dynamic element is the measures that will count according to the criteria (column & row) that I have fixed


      Column 1 (fixed) Column 2 (fixed)
    Row 1 (fixed) R1 x C1 (dynamic) R1 x C2 (dynamic)
    Row 2 (fixed R2 x C1 (dynamic) R2 x C2 (dynamic)


    Solved this by putting in Static Texts for all my fixed values, and creating single variables and manually inserting expression formulae for each of the variables to imitate the crosstab. I did not even use the crosstab element at all as it is for dynamic rows and columns only.

    Post Edited by themillie at 03/06/2012 09:19
  4.  I have a report that I want to group by Date.

    From Sql I retrived Timestamp field which is in the Oracle Date format.

    However when I use group by Timestamp, my detail will display many records for one date.

    For example, 1 January has record at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm. So the detail in the group will display 1 January 1pm, 1 January 2pm, 1 January 3pm.


    My field F{TIMESTAMP} Field class is set to java.sql.Timestamp. But If I set it to java.util.Date, the text will appear as 1 January, but they dont get grouped together. The 1 January will be displayed 3 times!


    My SQL query:






    but this is causing loss of data. 



    How do I group them, all the of them into just one group, 1 January?



    Post Edited by themillie at 03/01/2012 05:54
  5.  Hi all,

    Is it possible for Crosstab to have static column/row. For example below, can I have a fixed Blue, Red column and fixed Bank Wire, Credit Card, Cheque row instead of it generating dynamically?


    Or should I not use Crosstab but other iReport elements instead?



         Transaction      Blue      Red       Total    ---------------+---------+---------+---------     Bank Wire     |     0   |    0    |     0     Credit Card   |     2   |    0    |     2     Cheque        |     1   |    0    |     1    ------------------------------------------------    Total All           |     3   |    0    |     3     --------------------------xx-----------------------
  6. I have asked this question before but no one could answer me.

    I was wondering why Jasper iReport's Crosstab don't display columns with 0 (zero) totals. I have seen the crosstab samples from JR which is the ShipmentsReport sample. When there are columns with 0 total, the report completely ignores the column/row and it will not be printed. 

    This results in empty pages for reports that has 0 values in the column total and row total. What I want to display is something like in the code brackets below.

    I wonder is this possible, like is there any option for me to tweak on the XML or does JR really does not have this feature? Has anyone done this before or can explain to me?


    I need to know since I'm evaluating the JR functionality now to suit our system.




    Post Edited by themillie at 02/21/2012 04:42
  7.  Hi everyone,


    I realized my crosstab does not print out the columns with zero values in it.

    I wanted something to display like this, but the Red column wont show up at all. So how do I make crosstab display all columns regardless of their values?

        Num  Transaction         Blue      Red       Total    1   | Bank Wire     |     0   |    0    |     0    2   | Credit Card   |     2   |    0    |     2    3   | Cheque        |     1   |    0    |     1    ------------------------------------------------    Total     Bank Wire & Credit  |     2   |    0    |     3    ------------------------------------------------    Total All           |     3   |    0    |     3     --------------------------xx-----------------------    --------------------------xx-----------------------
  8.  Hi everyone,


    I'm quite new to the whole Jasper iReport so from the guides around I read that Crosstab need to be placed in Summary band, and if the Crosstab to be placed in Detail band, it has to use sub dataset.


    I'm using sub dataset for that, but my crosstab is blank. How do I set up the sub dataset if crosstab is to be placed in detail band?


    Also, my datasource is XML 



    Post Edited by themillie at 02/08/2012 09:08
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