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  1. Hi Iam using 4.0 commercial version i want to add a analysis view by writing a mondrianschema.xml file. and the mdx query is SELECT {[Contact Location].[All Locations]} ON COLUMNS, {([Contact Categorization].[All Accounts]} ON ROWSFROM [ContactDetails] I got the error like... Invalid MDX Query ,Document Parse failed :[Fatal Error]:1:1:content is not allowed in prolog. Code:
  2. Hi I am using Ireport 4.0.0 Commercial Edition I wanted to generate a drilldown report in jasper for Sugarcrm Database Can anyone pls tell me the steps? Regards, Sowjanya Post Edited by sowjanya_m at 09/08/2011 08:06
  3. Hi i am using jasper server(4.0) CE. iam able to create reports from iReport and using tht jrxml , i am creating reports in jaspersoft. now i want to create OLAP view (forAnalysis..chatrs etc) Up to my knowledge for olap we need to generate an XML schema...and MDX queries also... but i don't know how to generate..the xml....also had a look into the sample foodmart xml... i tried to wrote a basic mdx query but it gives an error msg.."Invalid MDX Query" select [last_name] ON COLUMNS, [phone_work] ON ROWS from [Contacts] so ..pls tell me anyone how to do tht.. my database is mysql and sugarcrm. thx Sowjanya Code:<?xml version="1.0"?>- <schema name="smodata">-<Dimension name="All Contacts"> - <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="id" primaryKeyTable="Contacts"> - <join leftKey="id" rightKey="id_c" <table name="Contacts"/> <table name="contacts_cstm"/> </join> <Level name="Investigators" table="Contacts" column="last_name" uniqueMembers="false"/> <Level name="Contact Numbers" table="contacts" column="phone_work" uniqueMembers="true"/> <Level name="Therapeutics" table="contacts_cstm" column="primary_specialty_c" uniqueMembers="true"/> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> </Schema>
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