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Posts posted by nanndoj

  1.  Hi all,

    I recompilated the JasperReports with the latest hibernate version to solve a problem with BOOLEAN types... That works great! but now my iReport (4.0.2) is working with a diferent hibernate version and the query generated by the iReport preview is not equals the query generated by the Jasper at runtime.

    I've downloaded the latest trunk version of iReports to compile with the same hibernate jar but seems like the latest vesion avaliable in svn trunk is 3.0.0

    I'm using this url http://jasperforge.org/svn/repos/ireport

    is it right? Where can I download the 4.0.2 source?



  2. Problem solved!

    I don't need to test the parameter. I've put a coalesce in the report query

    m.account.primaryKey.department.code = COALESCE($P{P_department} , m.account.primaryKey.department.code)

    When the user mark the checkbox all the null value is sent to the database and the COALESCE make it bring all results!

    Now my parameters is working fine! :)

  3. To populate the combobox i'm adding properties in the parameter and reading through jasperDesign.getParameters() and getPropertiesMap() like the code below.

    My main question I beleave is in the SQL WHERE

    I wanna filter when the user select the department

    m.account.primaryKey.department.code = $P{P_department}

    or get all records if the $P{P_department} parameter is null (when the checkbox is checked)...


    is there a way to test the parameter inside the report ?? or modify the query dinamically?


    Post Edited by nanndoj at 07/06/2011 08:24

    Post Edited by nanndoj at 07/06/2011 08:25

    Post Edited by nanndoj at 07/06/2011 08:26

    Post Edited by nanndoj at 07/06/2011 09:46
  4. Hi,

    I'm creating a generic screen to read the parameters and display to the user. It is working fine but the client asked me to create a way to list all records of some filter.

    Below I put the image to explain better. I was thinking in make a HQL injection... but i don't know if it is the best solution

    Has someone been faced this before? Is there a best solutions for this?

    Thanks a lot!





    Post Edited by nanndoj at 07/06/2011 07:29

    Post Edited by nanndoj at 07/06/2011 09:46
  5. Hi all,

    I'm new with Jasper reports and iReports and maybe (I'm sure) I'm doing anything wrong. My problem is that when i put a bold static text the last character is breaked down. It seems like the Jasper report is not reading the size described in the XML file.

    I've attached the PDF Screen with the problem and the iReport design.

    Someone has any idea?

    Thank you :)


    Post Edited by nanndoj at 06/08/2011 06:36

    Post Edited by nanndoj at 06/08/2011 06:36
  6. I got the same Error. In my case when I put a Collection as DataSource it works...


     DAO dao = DAO.getInstance(DAO.HIBERNATE);

    List<Object> users = dao.find(User.class);

    JRDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(users);


    // It works


    JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, ds);



    But if I remove the dataset and pass the Hibernate Session as parameter I got the error.... 


    // java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BOOLEAN JRHibernateQueryExecuter.<clinit>(JRHibernateQueryExecuter.java:70)

    parameters.put("HIBERNATE_SESSION", dao.getSession());

    JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters);


    Does someone know if I'm doing anything wrong? Can someone send the compiled version which works properly?

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