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Everything posted by waalp

  1. We are trying to build an interface using the rest service in the 4.2 release. Is it possible when running a report, to tell jasperserver that for example you only want to show 5 columns in the report, instead of all of the columns (wich for example would be 20) Regards, Peter
  2. Hello, I'm trying to use Talend Integration Suite together with the tSOAP component to create tenants in jasperserver. I'm trying to use the putTenant method from the OrganizationManagementService webservice. When I try using the putTenant method I get a No Such Operation error. When I try to use for example the deleteTenant method it works fine. When I go to the http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/services/OrganizationManagementService?wsdl url I do see an operation called putTenant. In my SOA Gui from firefox (a firefox addon) it also gives the operation back with the values that should be filled in. What am I doing wrong here ? Greetings, Peter
  3. Hello, We are trying to see if using the adhoc http api, is something we could use in our application, but is there any good documentation around on how to use it. I tried somethings with the documentation in the chapter 9.4 of the js ultimate guide, but i can't seem to get things working. Regards, Peter PS: We are using the Professional edition
  4. When I fill the jiresourcefolder table with the "folders" that are in the template, then it works for me (at least for now)
  5. Any solution yet, I got the same problem: Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'proOnStartPropagator' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-multiTenancy-web.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.JSResourceNotFoundException: jsexception.folder.not.found.at Regards, Peter Post Edited by waalp at 08/12/2011 10:26
  6. Hello, Does anyone have a sollution already. I got a query based on a postgresql function wich was working fine all day long. But now It had the error: AdhocAjaxController,http-8080-2:651 - ad hoc controller exception java.lang.RuntimeException: exception getting dataset from cache I already tried to restart the server, logging out and in again... but nothing seems to work. The report worked fine for most of the day tough. I attached the error log for the query i'm trying to run. Any ideas ? Regards, Peter Post Edited by waalp at 08/10/2011 16:20
  7. It seems to be a problem (at least for a bit) because of our postgres demanding double quotes with columns. In the GroupByTest2 I have all column names surrounded by double quotes, and it gives an error. In the GroupByTest3 I have no double quotes around the columns, and it at least doesn't give an error in the adhoc modes when i press the run report button. It does however give a "no results found" altough in the design mode it does return data. Do i have to make input controls for all parameters, even the ones I do not show on the screen (because they are filled by the other input controls) ? I currently have input controls for the following parameters: - p_gr_month - p_gr_week - p_gr_recruiter - p_gr_hiringmanager - p_gr_organisation For the other ones I do not have input controls in jasperserver, the report works fine in iReport, works in JasperServer as a nornal report. It also works in adhoc modus (in the design mode), but returns the no results found when you run the adhoc report. Regards, Peter
  8. I have a report, that uses parameters to define a user controlled group by statement. Depending on choices the user makes in the input controls certain fields are added to the query. I use non-prompted parameters to create this group by statement like: $P{p_gr_month} ? "apa.\"MONTH\"" : "null" So if p_gr_month is true, it will add apa.MONTH to the select of the query, otherwise it will add null instead. For the group by part it does something simular: $P{p_gr_month} ? ",apa.\"MONTH\"" : "" Now it does all work in iReport, and as an Report in JasperServer. But when I wish to use this in adhoc mode as a topic, it gives a compilation error saying that there is an invalid AssignmentOperator on token "MONTH". I think this is because the query in adhoc mode shows this as the value in the parameter ("GROUP BY apa."MONTH" "); I think it tries to parse month as a value or parameter, but I need to double quote month because of the postgresql setup we have here, and as I said it works in iReport as well as in JasperServer as a report, just not in adhoc mode as a topic. Any ideas on what i'm doing wrong here ? Regards, Peter
  9. I think I found the solution to my problem. In my QueryExecuter class I added the following code: Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); UserDetails details = (UserDetails) auth.getPrincipal(); String tenantId = ((MetadataUserDetails) details).getTenantId(); Greetings, Peter
  10. Hello guys, I have a custom QueryExecuter that i need to have access to the logged in user, and the tenant (organization) of this user. I can get the logged in user with : String username = org.springframework.security.context.SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getName().toString(); But i can't find any information on how to get the tenant name (or maybe I searched in the wrong place) Is this possible ? Greetings, Peter
  11. I can't seem to get it to work, i got this code now (in the actionModel-navigation.xml) : <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_ADHOC|ROLE_DASHBOARD|ROLE_SUPERUSER"> <selectAction labelKey="NAV_005_CREATE"> <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_ADHOC"> <option labelKey="NAV_051_ADHOC_REPORT" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="designer"/> </condition> <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_DASHBOARD"> <option labelKey="NAV_050_DASHBOARD" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="dashboard"/> </condition> <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_SUPERUSER"> <option labelKey="NAV_056_DOMAIN" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="domain"/> </condition> </selectAction> </condition> And although i'm superuser (so one of the roles above), the whole create menu is gone. Anyone knows what i'm doing wrong ?
  12. Hello people, Is it possible to something like this : <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_SUPERUSER !! ROLE_ADHOC !! ROLE_DASHBOARD"> stuff </condition> I need a menu item to apear if a user has one of these roles, so im looking for an OR construction. Greetings, Peter
  13. Hello, Is it possible, maybe with a custom report view, to give users a screen where they can select the columns from an already defined report that they want to see on their current execution of that report. Example: A report has maybe fifteen columnd defined in ireport, of an adhoc report... and before a user will see any results, they get a popup like de selectField popup in the adhoc designer, where they can choose wich of those fifteen columns they want to see in the report view. I hope i'm clear, if not please ask for further details. Greetings, Peter
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