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Posts posted by pnicolay

  1. I just installed Jasper Studio in a Rational Business Developer instance, but I seem to get another "Report Design" perspective.

    I presume this one is an included one of RBD and is related to BIRT, could it be that there's a perspective naming conflict ?

    Is there any method in solving this, or should Jasper Studio rename its perspective ?


  2. PRT01 seems to be a system attached printer, while the others are network printers (hence the fact that they support PCL printing).

    I don't get that far unfortunately, PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null) returns an empty list on iSeries ???

  3. Hi,

    I've JasperReports running native on iSeries (AKA AS/400) generating PDF documents, however I also want to print these reports.  I looked at various topics about printing, but I can't find any method that sends the report to an OutputStream (which is what I need to send data to an iSeries printer directly).

    If I use JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(print, myOutputStream) the printer ofcourse gets the PDF (which it doesn't understand, and so prints rubbish) instead of PCL5 data (which it would be able to print).

    Is JasperReports capable of generating a PCL data stream (I would think it does because it can print on my Windows PC) ?



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