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Posts posted by eshwarkoti

  1. Hi,

    I am using JasperViewer as an applet in web application. Everything working fine except print button. When I click on print button from browser,  I am getting below error.

    java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 218782546 in class file sun/print/UnixPrintServiceLookup.

    I have tried with web application sample, the print button working fine there.

    Can anyone give me a Clue?




  2. Hi,

    When Iam trying to Launch JasperViewer from  web browser , the applet successfully loading into browser and showing JasperViewer but not fetching report data.

    The applet showing below error.

    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sf.jasperreports.components.ComponentsExtensionsRegistryFactory.

    I've placed below  four  jar files under WEB-INF/lib and applet folder( for codebase)

    jasperreports-4.5.1.jar,  jasperreports-applet-4.5.1.jar,  commons-collections-2.1.1.jar,  commons-logging-1.1.1.jar 


    Thanks & Regards,


  3. When this below exception occurs exactly in ireport.? How can i resolve this problem..?

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Too many groovy classes were generated. Please make sure that you don't use Groovy features such as closures that are not supported by this report compiler.


  4. Hi thangalin .. Thank you for your reply

    Iam little bit confusing about this. Can you please send me sample code.

    Actually i need to iterate the all parameter fields which are dynamically created by user  from jsp (but those parameters are not configured in ireports) through ejb service bean to jasper reports.





    Post Edited by eshwarkoti at 06/10/2011 11:28
  5. Hi.. I know how to iterate through each filter parameter field in crystal reports. Please Check the attached crystal reports sample code, But i need same functionality like this in jasper reports.

    I hope i have been clear in exposing my scenario. Please help me

     Fields fields = reportClientDoc.getDataDefinition().getParameterFields();            IParameterField field = null;            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)            {                field = (IParameterField) fields.get(i);                tempFilterName = field.getName();                filterValueObj = filtersValueMap.get(field.getName().toUpperCase());                if (field.getParameterType().toString().equals(PARAMETER_TYPE)                        && field.getType().toString().equals(STRING_TYPE) && filterValueObj == null)                {                    filterValueObj = "";                }                field.setAllowNullValue(true);                paramFieldController.setCurrentValue("", tempFilterName, filterValueObj);            }
  6.  Hi All

    Iam working with Struts , Ejb and Jasper reports. i need to generate reports by mapping user created filter parameters.

    How to pass more number of dynamic parameters to jasper reports through java. These parameters can create by user . so the user can add any number of parameters through jsp form page. how to pass these user created dynamic filter parameters from java to jasper reports. 





    Post Edited by eshwarkoti at 06/06/2011 09:21
  7.  Hi thanks for your reply.

    Actually im using jasper reports in web application, i dont want to pass jdbc connection details (like driver name) directly in jasper reports. i need to map them with some other configured file.

    Please check the below sample code. i need to configure like this in jasper reports.





    Post Edited by eshwarkoti at 05/12/2011 12:47

    Post Edited by eshwarkoti at 05/12/2011 12:48
  8.  Hi

    Can anyone give  guidelines (or) examples regarding JasperReports with Jsp as follows

    1. User will have a page where he would input the parameters like From Date - To Date and will select one another parameter

    2. Depending on the parameter the search would be executed on the db and all the records matching the same criterial are required to be shown would be saved into the array list or what ever..

    3. Now a report shall be generated for the same.. means a ".html" will be generated and given to the same jsp.. 

    4.Only one jsp is responsible for taking the parameters and displaying the Reports...

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