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Posts posted by joka83

  1.  hey all,


    well, I finally solved the problem ! there was some kind of problem in my .jrmxl-file. I think it had sth. to do with my group-settings...because after I deleted all groups and constructed them all new from the beginning, everything works fine ;) what seems strange, that I got no problems converting the report in iReport, these group settings only cause problems in the jasperserver environment ...


    anyway, big thanks for your help khahn.



  2. Hey again,


    I ran the "AllAccounts"-report and exported it to pdf and xslt later. My pdf file got 43 pages and my xslt-export 1310 lines of information. All fields and information are shown ! Sometimes when I try to run an export I get an error like:


    Oh my!

    The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience.


    Error Message

    org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.snapshot.SnapshotNotFoundException: No flow execution snapshot could be found with id '1'; perhaps the snapshot has been removed?

    Error Trace

    org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.snapshot.SnapshotNotFoundException: No flow execution snapshot could be found with id '1'; perhaps the snapshot has been removed? at org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.impl.SimpleFlowExecutionSnapshotGroup.getSnapshot(SimpleFlowExecutionSnapshotGroup.java:74)



    So it seems sth. is wrong with the springframework ?! When I restart my server it works again.

    EDIT: seems to occur, when I run a report before webpage finished loading...


    I attached 2 files for you.

    File 1 shows a screen I see when i run my report out of the repository, picture 2 shows a screen, I get after exporting to pdf. As you can see, some fields like "Jahr" or "Monat" aren't displayed after I ran the report, they are only visible in some certain formats like pdf or flash after an export...

    Hope it helps you a bit :(

    Thanks for your help !

    regards daniel

    Post Edited by joka83 at 05/12/2011 11:21
  3.  Hey khahn,

    thanks for your answer again ;)


    well, i never heard of Ad Hoc Designer before, because I only use the free community-editions of jaspersoft, in this case JasperReports Server.

    With preview I meant the view you get, when you run a report out of your server - repository, before you decide to export it to different formats...

    Hard to describe, hope you got me?! ;))


    regards daniel

  4.  Hey khahn, 

    thanks for your help !

    well, I don't know if the server is set to display Full oder Sample data, can you give me a hint where to find, or where to change this information?

    I don't think that my system is too slow, cause generating the report only takes about 1-2 seconds, so maybe there is an issue with "display full data" like u mentioned ?


    looking forward to your next message ;)


    regards daniel

  5.  hey,

    I got some strange issues exporting reports to some specific formats.


    In the report preview of JasperServer some report fields aren't filled with data, but when i export the report to .pdf all fields/data are perfectly shown. When I right-click-save the pdf-export and try to open it later on my desktop i get an error like "Acrobat Reader can't open dummy.pdf cause datatype isn't supported or file is damaged". I use the latest Acrobat Reader version. Which version do I have to use in order to view the pdf-files later? If i use the scheduler of jasperserver, I am able to run the pdf !!! When I export the report to .csv-, or flash-format all fields are printed, but when I use xls-format some fields are missing, any ideas what the problem could be ?


    help would be really great ;)


    regards daniel

    Post Edited by joka83 at 05/08/2011 13:53
  6.  Hey guys,


    I am trying to establish a custom bean dataSet in JasperServer.


    I wrote following classes:



    public class DataSourceFactory {

    public ReportDataSourceService createDB(){

    return new DataSourceService();





    public class DataSourceService implements ReportDataSourceService {

    public void closeConnection() {

    //TODO: add connection close support.


    public void setReportParameterValues(Map parameters) {

    parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_DATA_SOURCE, Transform.readXML());





    public class Transform implements JRDataSource{

    public static JRDataSource readXML() {

    **stuff to get the data and put it into a JRDataSource container**



    JRDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(items);

    return ds;




    public Object getFieldValue(JRField field) throws JRException {...

    public boolean next() throws JRException {...




    what I got: I established the bean via springbeans and I am able to run the report ! My problem is, that only 1 field is printed, the other 2 fields dont get filled. As far as I try to use the classes in iReport, everythings works fine, and the report get 100% filled with the right data. But whenever I use them at the JasperServer, only 1 field is printed in the resulting report :(

    I have no idea where the problem is and what to do ... I think the main problem is, that the 2 implemented methods of my transform class (next, getFieldValue) are never accessed.. so I think there might be my fault.


    might there be a problem with "JRDataSource ds = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(items);"?

    each of my items-dataset consists of ("name","year","month")...


    Any help or push into the right direction would be great ... if you need additional informations to help me, feel free to ask ;)




    Post Edited by joka83 at 05/03/2011 13:42
  7.  hey guys, me again ;)


    i just wrote a factory class which returns a reportdatasourceservice....works fine, but now i get an error called


    "Incompatible java.util.ArrayList value assigned to parameter REPORT_DATA_SOURCE in the report1 dataset."


    I dont find any help, which values i could use there? any help? whats my fault? 


    some tipps would be great ;)


    regards daniel


    update: I am able to do the report, but no pages are shown...think there is a problem submitting the arraylist to the report generator?! :(

    Post Edited by joka83 at 05/01/2011 09:25
  8.  hey tkavanagh,


    thanks a lot, I finally got my bean datasource working in ireports ;)

    but when I try to connect it to your jasperserver product i face new problems...

    i published my datasource via spring beans and I am able to get a "Connection passed"-Success whenever I try to connect to my database ! (Bean Data Source) ;)))

    bean name is the id I used in spring bean application context and the bean method is the method which returns an arraylist of beans.

    but when I try to  fill my custom Report with the datasource I get an issue called:


    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.jasperreports.service.ReportDataSourceService

    Error Trace

    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.jasperreports.service.ReportDataSourceService at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.BeanReportDataSourceServiceFactory.createService(BeanReportDataSourceServiceFactory.java:86) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImpl.createDataSourceService(EngineServiceImpl.java:799) at 



    In my application I return an ArrayList of Beans. Well in iReport it works great, but why doesnt it in JasperServer...

    what do i have to do?


    any help would be nice...its a great feeling to see things working fine ;)




    Post Edited by joka83 at 04/29/2011 13:30
  9.  hey everybody, I got a few problems in understanding the application-context file for the javabeans datasource example :(


    <bean id="myCustomDataSource" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.CustomDataSourceDefinition">

    <property name="factory" ref="customDataSourceServiceFactory"/>

    <property name="name" value="myCustomDataSource"/>

    <property name="serviceClassName" value="example.cds.CustomSimplifiedDataSourceService"/>


    I dont understand all of these elements...

    What I understand is, that <property name="serviceClassName" value="example.cds.CustomSimplifiedDataSourceService"/>  should point to the javaclass, which implements ReportDataSourceService .


    but I dont understand the firs 3 lines:

    I assume, that "bean id" just needs to be a unique key to identify the bean, but which class do I need to call there?

    And what about line 2 and 3? I neither find files nor methods named "customDataSourceServiceFactory"  or "myCustomDataSource" in the whole sample project :(


    I think I just need a push into the right direction ... plz help me out :(





  10.  Well, after nearly 9hours trying to establish a custom java bean datasource on the server, I am that close to become crazy.

    Is there any good tutorial out there, which gives a step by step view on this topic? especially on creating the application-context file? the docs delivered within the software are a joke in my opinion !! 




    Post Edited by joka83 at 04/15/2011 17:11
  11.  update again:

    if I comment the part in which I connect to the DM server out, and add a dummy value to my collection, the iReport datasource connection test is successfull !!!


    so to sum up, there must be a problem telling iReport how to connect to the DM server...any helpfull ideas?

  12.  update:

    I implemented a method called "public static ArrayList<DataBean> getBeanCollection()" which returns an arraylist of beans, in iReport I created a new datsource (javabeans set datasource), with my given factory class and the methode to retrive the array or the collection of beans...(getBeanCollection)...


    whenever I hit "Test" i get the errormsg : "Exception General problem: null"...


    any ideas? i put my whole project in a jar file and published it to iReport classpath as well as all the jars needed to connect to the document management server...

  13.  hey guys,


    i got a few problems with using datasources in iReport.


    in my project I try to connect to a dms server, get the data, put it in a JRBeanCollectionDataSource and work with the data in iReport.

    in my eclipse project it already works to get the data, but whenever i try to establish this datasource in iReport it fails, saying "general problem: de.hsrm.mi.FirstTry.Search.search()" and i have no idea why :(

    the Java-Search-methode I wrote expects a session, a server and a factory (dms specific)...i instantiate the class from my main class and call the medod:


    "public static JRBeanCollectionDataSource search(ISession session,

    IDocumentServer server, ISerClassFactory factory)

    throws Exception {"


    this search method itself, returns "return new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(collection);"


    "collection" is a List of Databeans: "List<DataBean> collection = new ArrayList<DataBean>();", which i fill with the data gained from the dm system...."collection.add(new DataBean(documentType, documentDateMonth, documentDateYear));"


    the whole program works well in eclipse and I am able to get a pdf export, but whenever i try to connect to the datasource in iReport, it fails and gives me the error mentioned before :(


    any ideas? would be great ! ;)


    regards daniel


    ps: sry for bad english, haven't used it for a while,  if u need more informations to help me, feel free to ask ;)




    Post Edited by joka83 at 04/15/2011 09:24
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