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Posts posted by robidomadenik

  1. Hello.


    I made a report, that containes a LOT of static text fields (I made them in Details band), so that the Detail's band Height is 1910 and Page height is 2100 px. (see in attachment)

    Now....everything works fine, event PDF creation, shows OK...BUT.....how can I print this report on a paper, so that the data wouldn't be "torn apart" at the end of the paper??


    is there any option so I can set it up, or my creation strategy was wrong???


    Please help!


    Thanks, Robi

  2. Hi.


    I have some problem, when running Jasper report in JasperServer in "preview". When showing a report like this (click on report and click RUN), the "preview" in JasperServer is notshowing all that it should. There are some lines missing, text, rextangle, etc.....WHY is that? What's wrong? And idea?

    Then...when I export the same report in PDF for example, everything is OK. .....???

    A added screenshots into attachment, so you can see the difference.


    Please help, it's quite urgent!


    Thanks for all the help,


  3. Hello my friend :)


    I have some problem, when running Jasper report in JasperServer in "preview". When showing a report like this (click on report and click RUN), the "preview" in JasperServer is notshowing all that it should. There are some lines missing, text, rextangle, etc.....WHY is that? What's wrong? And idea?

    Then...when I export the same report in PDF for example, everything is OK. .....???

    A added screenshots into attachment, so you can see the difference.


    Please help, it's quite urgent!


    Thanks for all the help,


    Post Edited by robidomadenik at 10/03/2011 07:47
  4. Hello.


    I'm wondering.....is it possible somehow to "compress" the "empty" bars (bars with no value) , which are in specific category?

    Look at attachment and you will see, that I get empty space for bars, that I dont get value from MySQL query.


    How can I remove that? Please, it's very urgent.....THANKS!



  5. Hello.


    I saw your PDF file and because I'm new to Jasper I would like to know, how it's possible to make a chart with tooltip, when you are over with a mouse....and how can I make a "mouse sensible" legend label, so that when you click on one label, the bar in the chart dissapears and appers again, when you click once more on a label of a legend??

    Is this on PRO stuff or can I make it also in Community Editon of jasper?




  6. Hello.


    I'm using iReport Designer 4.0.1 and have a connection to mySQL database.

    Whene I fetch data from database and show it in iReports Report Query window -> Preview Data .......already there I don't see slovene specific character "Ä" in the records. WHY?

    And something else....if I made a field with some static text also with slovene character "Ä", when I export report to PDF, there also this "Ä" character is missing.


    What is wrong? Anybody?




  7. Hello.


    I'm using JasperSoft iReport  Designer 4.0.1  and I'm having trouble calling mySQL function from Report Query window.

    I made this function in mySQL (SQL Manager 2005 for mySQL) and function works fine.


    But when I want to use it like this from Report Query window in iReport Designer:


    SELECT datum,  SPLIT_CONCAT('test','.')

    FROM sk_2007_sak_programi

    WHERE konto like '120%


    ....it doesn' work at all.'  It says: "SQL problems: FUNCTION razvoj_programi.SPLIT_CONCAT does not exist"

    I used query language SQL or PLSQL, tried both and the same error.




    Thanks, Robi

    SELECT datum,  SPLIT_CONCAT('test','.')FROM sk_2007_sak_programiWHERE konto like '120%
  8. Hello.

    I have a question regarding JasperReport Server version 4.0.0......
    I made a report, which has a few input parameters, two of them are dates (DatumOD and DatumDO).
    In JSP file DefaultParametersForm.jsp a made a customization, so that I added 3 buttons (<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON") which have an OnClick event (the click of a button fills the DatumOD and DatumDO field with values for the current month, next and previous month ).

    But when I move to the next TextBox field (Konto (Terjatve)), the DatumOD and DatumDO fields are beeing erased!!
    If I fill them with DateTime Picker component the values stays there and are not beeing erased.

    Please, If someone could help me with this one....... Thanks!

    Best regards,

  9. Hello.

    I have a question regarding JasperReport Server version 4.0.0......
    I made a report, which has a few input parameters, two of them are dates (DatumOD and DatumDO).
    In JSP file DefaultParametersForm.jsp a made a customization, so that I added 3 buttons (<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON") which have an OnClick event (the click of a button fills the DatumOD and DatumDO field with values for the current month, next and previous month ).

    But when I move to the next TextBox field (Konto (Terjatve)), the DatumOD and DatumDO fields are beeing erased!!
    If I fill them with DateTime Picker component the values stays there and are not beeing erased.

    Please, If someone could help me with this one....... Thanks!

    Best regards,

  10. Hello again.


    I still didn't manage to solve all my issues regarding additional input parameters in JasperServer 4.0

    As I see in post above, there's a sample of modification in existing input parameter........I would like to know, how I can add "additional" parameter to this DefaultParametersForm.jsp file ??

    Well, here's my case:

    In JasperServer I made 2 date parameters.... (from-to.....Single value , Type:Date)

    Now I'm wondering if I can make a custom two additional buttons, so i can modify these 2 dates BEFORE I run the report. So....if I have FROM: 01-04-2011 and TO: 30-04-2011  and then I press button "Before" the dates moves to FROM: 01-03-2011 and TO: 31-03-2011  and if I press "AFTER" the dates are FROM: 01-05-2011 and TO: 31-05-2011.

    But this have to happen when I enter my input parameters, so on-the-fly.......in the end I press Apply and I run the report.


    Can I do this somehow??? Maybe an example for adding a additional parameter to DefaultParametersForm.jsp ?


    Thanks a lot!


  11. Hi.

    Thanks a lot for a sample code....i saw the difference between these two files. Thanks again :)

    Now I have another problem.....a have situation, when my custom input dialog box opens, I want to load some parameters from mySQL database into this input dialog box (textbox) and save them into mySQL, when parameters are changed or when OK button (submit) is clicked and then the report is shown.

    I received a message from Sherman (Jasper), that this could be the way:

    ·        catch the form submit event in Javascript

    ·        send the parameters to a separate JSP which would save them

    ·        continue doing the normal JasperServer submit

    but its messy and I don't see nothing about submit in file DefaultparametersForm.jsp

    Any suggestions???




  12. Hello.


    I'm trying to call Jasper report by calling URL like:


    The last parameter (red) is date......in JasperReports Server repository I've set the parameter to type DATE and now I dont know in which syntax should I call report, when using URL.

    In iReport Designer I have date in format like "dd.MM.yyyy", but when running report from JasperReport Server manually ("by habd" - Run) there the format is like "06-13-2011" (selected with the dateTimePicker).

    Please help me with some example....thanks!

    Best regards,



  13. Hello all.


    I would be glad if someone could help me with some kind of JSP code example, how

    to call (and pass input parameters) IReport from that JSP page, which I can enter under "Controls&Resources" - > Optional JSP Location in JasperServer 4.0 Repository?


    P.S.: I've posted a similar question liek this A WEEK AGO, but I didn't get a SINGLE answer.  Are there really NO ONE to know that or to have a problem like me ????


    Thank you very much for every info I get....


    Best regards,


    Post Edited by robidomadenik at 06/14/2011 07:34
  14. Hello.


    I have a problem creating and using a custom JSP page in jasperServer 4.0.

    I have a few input parameters, but when I click on submit button I get this error:  "

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An id is required to lookup a FlowDefinition


    Obviously it need some kind of ID for flowDefinition, I tried everything, but it doesn't seem to work for me.


    Can someone please give me a simple JSP example how to input some parameters, and which syntax Jasper needs to sucessfully shows up the report.


  15. Hello.


    I'm quite new to JasperServer and JSP, so i have a question.....

    I've imported my report to JasperServer and I've also set a few parameters on it. Works fine.

    Then, I've made a custom JSP page for customizing input window for input parameters, which saves this parameters to mySQL database and on next reload loads it to this custom made windows for input parameters.


    Now....when I run this JSP from Netbeans IDE 6.0, everything works OK, BUT when I try to do this on JasperServer, input window appears normally, I put in the parameters and when I click on my OK (submit) button, I get this error:


    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An id is required to lookup a FlowDefinition


    I'm stucked here now for a few days, googled everything, but I can't find anything useful.

    Can someone please help?

    Thanks a lot,


    -------------index.jsp---------------------------------------------------------<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <html> <head>   <TITLE><center>Grosuplje</center></TITLE></head> <body> <form action="ShraniParametre.jsp" method="POST"><h1>Komunala Grosuplje </h1><% try {    String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://sql.bass.si:3306/grosuplje"; Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null;Statement statement1 = null;ResultSet rs = null;Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, "bass", "bass");statement = connection.createStatement();rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TEMPGrosuplje");while (rs.next()) {  %><table border="1" width="300">  <tr width="400">    <td width="250">Odjemno mesto:</td>    <td width="75"><input type="text" name="txtOMOd" value ="<%=rs.getString("OM_Od")%>" size="12" /></td>    <td width="75"><input type="text" name="txtOMDo" value ="<%=rs.getString("OM_Do")%>" size="12" /></td>  </tr>  <tr width="400">    <td width="250"><label for="UlicaOd">Ulica:</label></td>    <td width="75"><input type="text" name="txtUlicaOd" value ="<%=rs.getString("Ulica_Od")%>" size="12" /></td>    <td width="75"><input type="text" name="txtUlicaDo" value ="<%=rs.getString("Ulica_Do")%>" size="12" /></td>  </tr>  <tr width="400">    <td width="250"><label for="ObcinaOd">ObÄina:</label></td>    <td width="75"><input type="text" name="txtObcinaOd" value ="<%=rs.getString("Obcina_Od")%>" size="12" /></td>    <td width="75"><input type="text" name="txtObcinaDo" value ="<%=rs.getString("Obcina_Do")%>" size="12" /></td>  </tr><tr width="400">    <td width="250"> </td>    <td width="75"> </td>    <td width="75"> </td>    </tr><tr>    <td colspan="3"><input type="submit" value ="OK" name="OK" /></td>     </tr></table><%}rs.close();String OMOd = request.getParameter("txtOMOd");String OMDo = request.getParameter("txtOMDo");String UlicaOd = request.getParameter("txtUlicaOd");String UlicaDo = request.getParameter("txtUlicaDo");String ObcinaOd = request.getParameter("txtObcinaOd");String ObcinaDo = request.getParameter("txtObcinaDo");              if(!connection.isClosed())%><font size="+2" color="green"><% out.println("OK!");connection.close();}catch(Exception ex){%></font><font size="+3" color="red"><%out.println("Not OK!");}%></font</form></body> </html> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ShraniParametre.jsp----------------------------------------------<%--     Document   : ShraniParametre    Created on : 6.6.2011, 13:02:14    Author     : robid--%><%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <html>    <head>        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">        <title>Shrani Parametre</title>    </head>    <body><% String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://sql.bass.si:3306/grosuplje"; Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null;Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionURL, "bass", "bass");    String Ood = request.getParameter("txtOMOd");      String Odo = request.getParameter("txtOMDo");      String Uod = request.getParameter("txtUlicaOd");      String Udo = request.getParameter("txtUlicaDo");      String Obod = request.getParameter("txtObcinaOd");      String Obdo = request.getParameter("txtObcinaDo");                    statement = connection.createStatement();    statement.executeUpdate("UPDATE TEMPGrosuplje SET OM_Od = " + Ood + ", OM_Do = " + Odo + ", Ulica_Od = " + Uod + ", Ulica_Do = " + Udo + ", Obcina_Od = " + Obod + ", Obcina_Do = " + Obdo );    connection.close();    %><%response.sendRedirect("index.jsp");%></body></html>
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