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  1. Now I see, printWhenGroupChanges does not apply to dynamic elements. " isPrintRepeatedValues This flag allows suppressing the repeating values for the dynamic elements such as text fields and image fields and to fully customize the behavior of the static elements like rectangles, lines, ellipses and static texts. Type: Use: optional Values true Dynamic elements will print even if their values repeat. Static elements will appear every time the band that contains them is started. false Suppresses the repeated values for the dynamic elements. The static elements will print only according to the other 3 attributes: isPrintInFirstWholeBand, isPrintWhenDetailOverflows, printWhenGroupChanges. Default: true"
  2. I have repeated values for column 1 and column 2 and am trying to display a value in column 2 only once for each group of repeated values so as the Ultimate guide says, I created a group for $F{col1} named col1group and set isPrintRepeatedValues="false" and printWhenGroupChanges="col1group" but if the value in column 2 is the same across groups, it is not displayed. i.e. it appears printRepeatedValues overrides printWhenGroupChanges. column 1 | column 2 joe | 0 joe | 0 fred | 0 fred | 0 Should display joe | 0 joe | fred | 0 fred | But displays instead joe | 0 joe | fred | fred | Code:...<subDataset name="table 2 DataSet"><queryString> <![CDATA[execute dbo.multiColStoredProcedure $P{reportJobId}, $P{tierElementId}, $P{queryType}]]></queryString><field name="col1" class="java.lang.String"/><field name="col2" class="java.lang.Integer"/><field name="col3" class="java.lang.String"/><field name="col4" class="java.lang.Integer"/><<group name="col1group"> <groupExpression><![CDATA[$F{col1}]]></groupExpression></group></subDataset>...<jr:detailCell height="23"><textField pattern="#,###,##0"> <reportElement style="Table_TD_noRepeat" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="0" y="0" width="98" height="23" printWhenGroupChanges="col1group"/> <textElement/> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Integer"><![CDATA[$F{col2}]]></textFieldExpression></textField></jr:detailCell>
  3. I am using a copy of a conditional style in each of my subreports that tests a variable in a subdataset of that subreport. I tested each subreport in ireport and it work perfectly but when I run it in my webapp where all the subreports are combined it does not work. Could there be a scoping issue with the variable? (full subreport in attachment) Code:<style name="Table_TD_noRepeat" style="Table_TD" forecolor="#FFFFFF"><box topPadding="2" leftPadding="2" bottomPadding="2" rightPadding="2"> <topPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/> <leftPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/> <bottomPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/> <rightPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/></box><conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean((($V{subsetCount}-1) % 4 == 0)| $V{subsetCount} ==0)]]></conditionExpression> <style forecolor="#000000"> <box topPadding="2" leftPadding="2" bottomPadding="2" rightPadding="2"> <topPen lineWidth="0.5" lineColor="#000000"/> <leftPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/> <bottomPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/> <rightPen lineWidth="0.0" lineColor="#000000"/> </box> </style></conditionalStyle></style>
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