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Posts posted by jimy

  1. Hi,

    Is it possible in iReport (without use of a customizer class) to completely prevent the display of the value axis.

    I know that you can set the color to white(or whatever color matches your background) and turn off tick labels.  But if you do that the axis still occupies space on the chart (albeit white space).

    I simply want to prevent the drawing of the value axis completely, can this be done in iReport?

    Thanks Very Much!

  2. Hi,  I have a layout problem in my reports. (Note report names are for brevity)



    1) I have a master report that contains two subreports, Sub1.0 & Sub2.0.

    2) Sub1.0 contains another subreport, Sub1.1.

    3) Sub1.1 contains a table element

    4) Sub2.0 contains another subreport, Sub2.1

    5) Sub2.1 contains an image element



    When the master report is run, the content of Sub2.0 & Sub2.1 displays underneath Sub1.0 and Sub1.1, on the same page.  In other words, Sub1.0 & Sub1.1 overlaps Sub2.0 & Sub2.1.  This differs from the expected behavior, which is that Sub2.0 & Sub2.1 would start on a new page.

    Notes: When I run Sub1.0 from by itself, it properly creates 2 pages, each page created by Sub1.1 starts with its own table element as expected.




  3. OK, I'll try to answer my own question so that it might help others.

    1) Define a Scriptlet class and @Override the afterDetailEval() method.
    2) Define a Variable(?) and set it's evaluation time to report.
    3) Place the variable in the Page Header band.

    OK, honestly I have no idea if it matters what band it's in. I tried the Title, Summary, and Page Header. Only page header worked but maybe I screwed something up.

    Also I placed a question mark(?) after the word variable in step #2 because I actually used an image with an evaluation time of Report. I think a variable would accomplish the same thing.

    Finally, step #1 has nothing to do with when the variable gets evaluated.  But you can use that afterDetailEval() method to set your variable contents.

    Post Edited by jimy at 08/02/2011 21:31
  4. Hi sanda,

    thanks again for your reply.  I had in fact already extended SpiderWebPlot in my customizer class.  Interestingly enough, the draw() and drawRadarPoly() methods which I had overridden in my custom class never get called. 

    Is this because they are instance methods and the instance making the call to draw() is the superclass?  I thought that when JasperReports instantiated a custom chart class it would set the chart reference to the custom class.

    I realize this discussion may be getting old :)   but if you could explain why my overridden methods of SpiderWebPlot are never called within my custom class I would really appreciate it.  Maybe it is simply for the reason I stated above, not sure.


    Thanks so Much!

    Post Edited by jimy at 07/29/2011 01:29
  5. Hi Sanda,  thanks again for your reply.

    Yes, I have code very similar to your reply, that was not a problem - but again thanks for posting it.  The problem is that I cannot figure out how to display the scale for the chart axis.  It just doesn't seem to exist, or I have overlooked it somewhere.  Here's an attachment of my current chart to help explain what is missing.

    If you open the image I've attached, you can see that the chart has an axis, but no scale.  I need a scale to show users what they are looking at in terms of values on the axis.

    Any tips on how to achieve this?

    Post Edited by jimy at 07/27/2011 16:17
  6. Hi, thanks for repsonse.

    I think I am using JasperReports version 3.5.3.  I am using iReports 4.0.0 for sure, and I think 3.5.3 is the JasperReports version that shipped with it.

    There certainly is a Spider Chart Component in iReports on the palette, however, the component itself does not seem to have a way to display tickmarks or values for the axis scale.

    The solution seems to be to implement a custom renderer, but according to JFreeCharts API, SpiderWebPlot does not contain a getRenderer for it's Plot. 

    So I probably need to refactor my customizer class a bit to extend the proper class that will allow me access to a renderer.  Sorry this last part is still a bit foggy to me as I am still trying to fully understand JFreeCharts implementation of a SpiderWebPlot.  If there was a way to cast a CategoryPlot to a SpiderWebPlot I would be able to access a renderer that way, but I don't think that cast is supported.


    Note: My customizer class currently extends AbstractChartCustomizer.

    Any tips on a different class I could extend that would give me access to a renderer.  Overriding the draw() method seems to be another possible solution.  Any tips on how to proceed are greatly appreciated.

    Post Edited by jimy at 07/26/2011 18:55
  7. Hi,

    I am using a spider chart in my reports.  The data set has 3 series.  Lets assume, for simplicity sake, that the values of each series are static.

    I would like to display a value for the axis scale so that the viewer of the report can see what the values are for each series plot. 


    NOTE: I did figure out how to implement a customizer class successfully, but going through jfreecharts API I could not see a way to turn on a value display for the axis.

    I found one example of doing this by implementing a renderer, but that was using a BarChart with a Category Plot.  When I try to retrieve the category plot in my customizer class, I receive an error that SpiderWebChart plot cannot be cast to Category plot.

    So, the basic question is:  How do I display a value for the axis scale for a Spider Chart.


    Thank you!




    Error filling print... org.jfree.chart.plot.SpiderWebPlot cannot be cast to org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jfree.chart.plot.SpiderWebPlot cannot be cast to org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot
        at org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart.getCategoryPlot(JFreeChart.java:830)

    Post Edited by jimy at 07/25/2011 04:31
  8. I'm having the same problem on MAC OS X 10.6.7




    Call stack:



    Maybe missing a property setting?

  9. I guess it's just as simple as making sure the subreport has the following two properties set. 

    I cannot be sure of this because I added a parameter to both my master report and my subreport for the $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}.  After that it started working, but the odd thing is now I have removed both those params and the connection continues to work. haha

    The two important properties of the sub report seem to be:

    CONNECTION TYPE:   connection expression

    Connection Expression: $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}

  10. Hi,

    I created a report that works fine when run on it's own.  The report does contain a datasource connection.

    When I try to embed the report as a subreport I get an error stating that a mandatory paramter is not set.

    Error filling print... net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Mandatory parameter BDB_XML_CONTAINER has not been specified

    The master report itself is able to connect to the BDB container and is able to complete the fill process.  It is only when I add a sub report that the Master Report fails to fill.  That makes me think the sub-report is not able to connect to the BDB container, but as I stated it is able to connect when run on it's own.

    I do set the option "Use datasource of master report" when adding the sub-report.

    Any ideas on hw to solve this, or at very least where the error is deriving from?

    Thank You!


  11. Hi,

    what is a good way to specify which implementation is returned from JasperCompileManager.getCompiler().

    Currently, when I do this in my App:


    I see that JasperCompileManager.getCompiler() returns the groovy implementation.  I would like to return the JDT implementation.  Is this something that can be specified in build-impl.xml?

    Thank You

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