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Posts posted by brianbek

  1. I have made a report that among other things requires the user to input his password. There are no JasperReportServer input controls that support a password input.


    I will describe how I solved it but would also like to hear from the community if this is the right way to do it or there are another/better/simple way to do it.


    Since there is no password input control I use a text input control. It have an ID called Password. I then copied the file DefaultParametersForm.jsp and added the following at the end:


    <script type="text/javascript">

    jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function () {

      jQuery("#Password input").attr("type", "password”);




    Please note: jQuery(document).ready… does not work! I also tried jQuery(document).trigger(‘report:controls_initialized’,{…});, which does not work either (see TIB_js-rptsrvr-amxbpm_5.6_ultimate.pdf page 155). 


    After that I created a folder called ‘custom’ in …/WEB-INF/jsp/. And then copied the above file to it.

    Then for the report I set the custom JSP file to be the above file.

    This works - but is it the way to go?


    For your pleasure here is the complete JSP file:


    <%--Include templates--%>
    <jsp:include page="../modules/inputControls/InputControlTemplates.jsp" />


    <%-- input controls container --%>

    <ul class="list inputControls" id="inputControlsContainer"></ul>

    <script type="text/javascript">  jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function () { jQuery("#Password input").attr("type", "password"); }); </script>


    Note I am using the JasperReport server 6 community edition. The report was made with the latest Studio release version 6.x.


    Regards Brian

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