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  1. Hello ernestoo Thanks for your help. I have tested it but no success, any other idea? Thank you very much!
  2. hello! sathishg, thanks for your help. I have looked the sample you told me. My new Java code is as follows: StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer(); a.append("<textField hyperlinkType=\"Reference\">"); a.append("<reportElement x=\"5\" y=\"95\" width=\"300\" height=\"15\"></reportElement>"); a.append("<textFieldExpression class=\"java.lang.String\">").append("\"GOOGLE\"").append("</textFieldExpression>"); a.append("<hyperlinkReferenceExpression>").append("\"http://www.google.com\"").append("</hyperlinkReferenceExpression>"); a.append("</textField>"); And the result (PDF): aaaaaaaaaaa "GOOGLE" "http://www.google.com" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa GOOGLE with no link and the url appears :( Any other idea please? Thaks a lot!
  3. hi all! sathishg, thanks for your replay but I can't test your code cause I'm trying to export my report to PDF. Any other idea, please? Thanks!
  4. Hi all I have defined a parameter (text) in my report which can contain hyperlinks: aaaaaaaa <a href="http://google.es">google</a> aaaaaaa Whe the report is created it just shows google (no link displayed), I have tried to specify by Java code, but no success: <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true" hyperlinkType="Reference" hyperlinkTarget="Blank"> <reportElement positionType="Float" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true"/> <textElement textAlignment="Justified" markup="html"> <font size="9" isBold="true" isUnderline="true"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["GOOGLE"]]></textFieldExpression> <anchorNameExpression><![CDATA["http://www.google.es" target=_blank]]></anchorNameExpression> <hyperlinkReferenceExpression><![CDATA["http://www.google.es" target=_blank]]></hyperlinkReferenceExpression> </textField> Can anyone help me? Thanks!
  5. Hello Teodor Thank you very much for your answer. Following your advice, I have defined different detail bands but no success with the blank lines. It's not possible to you lists, the information is dynamic and depends on multiple factors, that's why I have added some conditionals "print expressions" in the code. Any idea? Thanks in advance!
  6. Good mornig Althoug "remove line when blank" option is activated, when the PDF file is created it's full of plenty blank lines. The problem is that the information is written in more than a page. Anybody can help me? I attach de XML file of the report and the PDF file. Thanks in advice Post Edited by siaibiba at 03/04/2011 07:15
  7. Hi all I'm trying to print an image in may report, usaign Java code to do it. Here is de code: <image><imageExpression class=\"java.lang.String\"><![CDATA["+context.getRealPath("/estatico/images/listDocs.png")+"]]></imageExpression></image> The problem is that my report just prints the > symbol of the imageExpression tag. Anybody knows how to do it? Thanks in advice
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