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Posts posted by jlittle2

  1. Thanks, but I already tried the contact-us link. I got an auto repsonder saying my request had been recieved, but then recieved nothing more (more than a week ago now). I dont really want to call, and be bombarded with sales stuff, just want a price list for my company. They asked me to get one, but so far Ive drawn a blank. Pentaho replied immediately with their commercial pricing, and offered various incentives like free installation assistance.
  2. I am trying to do the same thing: create a new user and role which can only see a subset (or folder) of reports.  This does not seem to be possible with jasper server.  From various posts, it seems you have to assign all users with "ROLE_USER".  however, this then gives your restricted user access to everything.  So I tried setting both my restricted role, and role_user, to have no acces to anything except the reports.  This results in getting this error when i try to run the reports:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: org.springframework.security.AccessDeniedException: Access is denied

    The fact that you cant restrict users to specific reports only, and not the rest of the system, means jasper server is not suitable for our oganisation.

  3. Hi, how did you create the report in jasper reports? I can create one in iReport, but cant find a way to create the same report in jasper reports (community edition). Assuming it is possible to push a report from iReport to jasper reports, which data source does it use, the one configured in jasper server, or the one configured in the report?
  4. I have previously used iReport with an embeded viewer.

    Now I have installed jasper 5.5 report server free edition, and cant work out how to create a report.  The only documentation I can find ( http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-user-guide/v550/getting-started-page  ) has features which I cant find in this eidtion, e.g. there is no getting started page, and no ad-hoc report tool.  The documentation only seems to cover these two things, I cant find documentation which says how to create a report, or how to get started, with jasper server community edition.

    I can add a data source to jasper server, and I can create a report in ireport with a different data source, but I cant find any user guide, starter guide or tutorial on how to combine the two.

    Sorry for the beginner question.

    Also, what exactly is the library?

    After installing the server, it took me a long time to find out what the username and password was (jasperadmin/jasperadmin for other new users).

    Note also, when I clicked on "preview" button at the bottom of this post, it said "page not found" and I had to type the entire question in again.
  5. I want to have a several line report description in the Title band, under the report tile.

    I tried putting in a "label static text", but in iReport, you cant add more than a single line as when you hit Enter, it takes you out of editing, and if you keep typing, the text just dissapears off to the right - it has no wrap.

    I tried with multiple single line "lable static fields", one above the other, but this doesnt work well.

    I tried with the text field, but it tries to parse the text so generates compile errors.

    I cant see any option in the static text opject properties to allow iReport to use the Enter key and create mutilple lines. 

    I tried SHIFT-Enter, CTRL-Enter etc. but they dont put in a new line either.

    Once I find a solution, how do I make the title bar expand down to fit the extra lines of the static text? 

    Currently, If I add extra lines of text using the [..] editor in the "static text properties" editor thing on the right, they are lost, i.e. the title band does not stretch to accomodate the data in it.  It clips.  how do I get it to stretch?  i tried setting all the stretch type parametrs.

    I basically just dragged the static text onto the title bar, and put it below the title.  I experimended with frames, but these dont seem to do anything useful.

    If anyone knows of any documentation of tutorials with this kind of stuff, please point the way.

  6. If you create a new style in the "styles library window", you can then drag and drop the style onto a report element (e.g. a static text label), and it will take on that style.  Great.

    Now if you change that style in the style properties dialogue, e.g. make the font bigger, it has no effect on the report (or template) you are editing. 

    Am I missing something really subtle?

    Looking at the XML, it embeds the first creation version of your style into the report at the top.  e.g.

        <style name="Style_2" fontSize="32"/>

    Even if you "hack" the style embeded in the report, e.g. change the font size:

        <style name="Style_2" fontSize="40"/>

    Nothing changes, it still shows the old font size not mater what you do.

    Form that point on, no edits (or rename) of this style in the style property window of the designer have any effect - they are independent zombie shadows of former styles.

    I.e. styles appear to be a one shot deal which makes them pretty usless, and nothing like syles should be (think css).  Eg. if styles are inded nothing more than a insert shortcut, and local the pc, then how can we make sure all the report developers on differnt PCs use the same styles?

    If you want to chage the font size of your text, you have to either:

    1. not use a style, just hard code the font size for the item, then you can change it using the font size dropdown in the bar above the report in the designer mode.  This is what I am doing for all our reports, but am dreading the maintenance overhead.
    2. Create a new style every time you want to modify the style, and re-drag and drop on all your reports.  This is madness also.

    I wanted to make a single template with the key styles, and have all my reports read from that, but styles dont even work in the same report/tempate, let alone from files outside.

    Can someone point me in the right direction? 


    I was going to buy the book "The Definitive Guide to IReport", but looking through the online chapters, its already very out of date - the dialogues and GUIS it mentions which Ive checked dont exist any more in the current iReport version.


  7. Trial and error has yielded the display of a date:

    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[""+$F{STARTEDAT}.dateValue( $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} )]]></textFieldExpression>

    Next problem is how to format it. There dont seem to be any examples out there. If I could write arbitrary java code, I might find a way extract the Oracle date, time and timezone, and then convert it into a java standard date, time and timezone, pulling in the reports local, accounting for the time zone differences, then formatting it, but to do that in a one line expression is going to be tricky.

    Post Edited by jlittle2 at 03/16/2011 21:19
  8. Does anyone have an example report, or XML snippet, which allows the report to show a date/time?

    googling "jasperreport timestamptz"  or "jasperreport dateValue" or "jasperreport timestampvalue"  finds nothing - zero documentation.

    The problem:

    Let table A have a column "startedat" which is a defined as TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE.  This is pretty much the only way to correctly manage dates & times form different timezones in oracle.

    When this value is selected in a report, e..g using the query:

    Select startedat from A

    In sqlDeveloper or Toad, it displays: 28/02/2011 23:24:34.278630 +00:00

    When This query is added as the only query in a report, then the "startedat" field is dragged into the report detail area, it generates this:

       <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[""+$F{STARTEDAT}]]></textFieldExpression>

     And the output on the report is just this:


     I tried every combination of method and type i could find.  Some forums suggested this:

                    <textFieldExpression class="java.sql.Timestamp"><![CDATA[$F{STARTEDAT}.timestampValue()]]></textFieldExpression>

     But this just gives "error evaluating expression", even though it was formed with the expression builder.

     The underlying type that iReport seems to be giving to the oracle timestamp is oracle.sql.timestamtz, which I cand find any documentation for in relation to jasperreports. 

    What I dont undestand is why ireprot cant just automatically convert it to a java date and format it automatically.  the report has date formats if you right click on the date field in the report and select "field Patter", but these have no visiable effect.

    I tried to convert it to a java.sql.Date using .dateValue(), but this wont compile either - I cant see any way to interact with the date fields. 

    Obvoisly, I could Use oracle TO_CHAR and format the date as a string, but this will use the timezone of the DB, not the report viewer.


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