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Posts posted by rcrosby

  1. I am using iReport 4.0.2 and I am having the same problem.  The "Category Axis Tick Label Mask" property doesn't appear to be working.  I tried "h:mm" with and without quotes.  My chart shows the average times to fill an order for time ranges between 10am and 1am the next day.  The category is a timestamp, but I only want to show the hour (1-12) and minute.  I tried formatting my time in my query (postgresql):

         to_char(x.time_of_day, 'HH12:MI') as order_start

    but this will not work for my chart.  When I tried this, the chart didn't show all of my times.  For example, on 03/05/11, there weren't any orders at 10:00am, but there were orders at 10:00pm.  The chart only showed 10:00 once (in the am place), and the value was the value for 10pm, and 10pm was skipped on the chart.  The chart only showed times (the String) once.  The attached image shows the results I want, except I need the time in 12 hour format instead of 24 hour format.

    How do I solve this "Category Axis Tick Label Mask" problem?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

    Post Edited by rcrosby at 07/20/2011 20:43
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