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Posts posted by davidbhybrid

  1. Did something change in the way that dates are passed in a URL with Jasperserver 4.5 and higher?

    I have a URL to call a report which contains 2 date parameters. The URL works perfectly in 4.2.1, but does not in anything above 4.5. When using 4.2.1, the report generates in my browser as expected; using 4.5 and higher, i get nothing in my browser. I have looked through the logs and could not see anything out of the ordinary.

    I took my investigation one step further and hardcoded my date in the query of my report, removed the date parameters from the URL and the report generated as expected.

    The working URL (with the date parameters) is as follows:


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. After some further research (I am not sure if this is exactly true or not), but if I run a report that does NOT pass a date as a parameter, the report will generate successfully. If I have a parameter, which is a date in my URL, the report will not generate and I am presented with a blank screen.
  3. I have upgraded my version of Jasperserver 4.2.1 CE to 4.7 CE. I was able to export all of my data from 4.2.1 and import it into 4.7.

    I can generate my reports using the Jasperserver Web interface, but can no longer generate my reports using a URL. I was able to do this using 4.2.1.

    I have the following URL, which works and displays a report when ran in 4.2.1, but does NOT when using 4.7


    Any idea why this would work in 4.2.1 and not 4.7?

    Thanks in advance!

  4.  Thanks for your response, unfortunately, that was not the Probelm. Each Job has Notes that should display in the SubReport. The problem here is that the SubReport is displaying the Notes for all Jobs regardless of the Job Number.

    If I have 2 jobs in the report, the Notes for both Jobs display for each of the jobs instead of Job A notes displaying for Job A and Job B notes displaying for Job B.

    Any other ideas?

  5.  I have a Main report as well as a Subreport that are working correctly with one exception. The Main report keeps all of my data together based on a Job Number, however, the subreport displays ALL the data for every Job Number each time. I would like the subreport to ONLY display the data with the Job Number in the Main report.

    I have attaced my Main JRXML (Job Account Detail) as well as the Subreport JRXML (Job Production Notes).

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Post Edited by djbolduc at 09/07/2012 01:20
  6. I cannot seem to get this to work. I have tried several variations of the Variable. Here is what I am trying to do:

    I have a variable named mth_job_gross this variable is set the following:

    Class: java.math.bigdecimal

    Calculation: Sum

    Reset Type: Group

    Reset group: month_recd

    Variable Expression: $F{job_gross}-($F{cash_discount}+$F{other_discount})

    I would like to get the HIGHEST and LOWEST valuses returned in a varaible for the SUmmary of the report, but the lowest variable grabs ONLY the lowest record NOT the lowest of the sum (variable above).

    Any ideas how to solve this? Am I doing something incorrectly? Thanks in advance!

    I have also attaced my JRXML file.

    Post Edited by djbolduc at 09/07/2012 01:24
  7. I have an Input Parameter that I would like to subtract a number of days from. This Parameter minus the number of days will be used inside an SQL query. For example:


    select j.customer, j.receiveddate

    from job j

    where j.receiveddate < $P{end_date} - 5 days

    As my input I would put 01/06/2012 - the value which I would expect to pass to my QRY would be 01/05/2012.

    I cannot seem to get this to work. Anyone have any idea? Thanks in advance!


    Post Edited by djbolduc at 04/20/2012 16:23
  8. Thank you for the quick response. I am new to this...i have the job_number being returned in BOTH the qry's for the Master Report and the Subreport. How do I go about setting up the Print When Expression to only print the Subreport when the job_number of the Master Report equals the job_number of the Subreport?

    Thanks again!



    I am having an issue getting a subreport to link to the main report. I need to give the user different input values in order to genereate the report. For instance, I have 5 parameters established (city, cust_id, job_number, state, zipcode), any of which can be left blank which tells the QRY to grab all:

    where CASE WHEN $P{cust_id} = 0 THEN cust_contact.id > 0 ELSE cust_contact.id = $P{cust_id} END
    and CASE WHEN $P{city} = 'ALL' THEN cust_contact.city like '%' ELSE cust_contact.city ilike $P{city} END
    and CASE WHEN $P{state} = 'ALL' THEN cust_contact.state like '%' ELSE cust_contact.state ilike $P{state} END
    and CASE WHEN $P{zipcode} = 'ALL' THEN cust_contact.zip like '%' ELSE cust_contact.zip ilike $P{zipcode} END
    and CASE WHEN $P{job_number} = 0 THEN j.id > 0 ELSE j.id = $P{job_number} END

    When the cust_id and the job_number is used as the input, the report generates correctly and the subreport is populated within the main report as expected. When I want to see ALL customers in the state of NJ (leaving cust_id, job_number, etc as all and selecting NJ as the state), I get a main report with a subreport in it hundreds of times.

    Is there a way to have the subreport link back to the main report using the job_number so that each report will only have one subreport generated inside of it?

    Thanks in advance!

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