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Posts posted by diego_scunha

  1. Hello,

    I have a system with the files .jrxml on database and creates in runtime  .jasper file.

    But when the client does not have the JDK instaled, an error occurs saying  can not run javac.

    How to resolve this without having install the JDK on the client and without send .jasper file to client.


  2. Hi,

    I'm using jasperreports-4.0.0.jar and iReport 3.5.1.

    I have some questions:

    #1. Does anyone know if I can draw in a graph (line chart) a text field representing the highest and lowest value (graph max/min point)?

    #2. May I draw the tendency line (like linear progression) in the chart?

    #3. May I highlight the growing longest straight line and also the longest straight downward?

    I've attached an image representing my doubts.

    Best regards,

  3. Hi,
    It's attached here an printscreen with report area and a result query from database (raw data).

    The null fields in database are printed like "Não Informado" (Not informed - portuguese) and the "" fields print blank on report (This is the problem , I would like to get the same message here ("Não informado")).

    ps: I've hide some information once they are private.

  4. Good afternoon,

    I'm having a problem in a report where I have a $ F {field} in which you can receive a value from database (String), null or a blank ("")...

    When this field are equals to null or correct value (I mean "abc", "xyz"), it executes the expression on Text field expression and print the diseired value. But when the value is blank ("") the expression aren't executed.

    Expression on Text Filed expression: ($ F {field}. trim (). equals ("")? "Not reported": $ F {field})

    I've tried changing the expression to: ($ F {field}! = null? ($ F {field}. trim (). equals ("")? "Not reported": $ F {field}): "No informed ")
    But it doesn't worked out ...

    I've tried using Blank When Null flag with no success.

    Any suggestions?

    Best regards,

  5. Hi all! I've solved this thread:

    I created a helper java class with a method that decodes the images and then returns its as an InputStream. After that, I exported it as an jar and added to the iReport classpath.

    After all I created an image object with "Image Expression" property calling my method from my helper class.

    Thanks everbody for helping me,

  6. Hi,

    Im using JasperReports 3.7.6 and iReport in my Desktop application. I have the following kind of report:

    report-1 (text data)
     - sub-report-1 (with image)
    The problem is that I have the image byte array on memory on my app. I would like to interact with Jasper in order to resolve the file location by myself. I mean when Jasper going to try to get the image (img-1.jpg, img-2.jpg, img-n.jpg) I would like to get the image by my Java code and return its input stream.

    This is beacause images are saved in a storage and they are encodded by an specific algorithm. This is why I need to resolve image by name and return it to the Jasper in order to fill the report.

    Is there some filter or interceptor?

    Best regards.

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