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Posts posted by anushka

  1. Hi Matt,

    Thanks for your response again.I have started a new thread asking how to display parameters directly on the page on the server. I have also downloaded jasperserver pro version 4.0 ,30 day trial version can u please tell me where i can find the display mode setting to change the parameter  view  from 'pop up'  to  'in page'.



  2. Hi All,

    i have a report which gives me data based for three regions north,south,center, but i want to display data based on dimension time. So for that i need a drop down list box on report page in jasper server so that when user select any year say '2001' then report have to show only data for year 2001 with respect to regions south,north and center. I have attcahed a sample template for your reference. .

    Thanks And Regards.




  3. Hi All,

    Matt thanks for your response. I wanted to know if parameter prompt  can be displayed on the screen along with the charts  in the jasper server  instead of it appearing after we click on any section of the chart.



  4.  Hello  All,

    I have created a table where one of the columns is city and it has the following values like Dallas,California,Berlin,Washington. I want this line at the end of my report "This report consolidates data from the following cities:Dallas,California,Berlin,Washington".For this i have created a variable called AllCities and it has the following properties

    Name: AllCities

    Variable Class: java.lang.String


    reset type:report

    and this is the expression "This report consolidates data from the following cities:+$V(AllCities)" in summary of ireport

    but on compiling i get the following output "This report consolidates data from the following cities:null"

     please tell me where i'm going wrong. Which other property has to be given for the variable AllCities




  5. Hi Sugita,

    Start date and end date are two parameters on ireport and when this jrxml is put on the server these should be also passed as a input control .Yes these are  on two different prompts.

    I have created a table in my database with 3 columns .Among which start_date is one of the columns.We are filtering the data from the table based on the start date and end date.we were able to achieve this by putting this query

    select * from testdata where telephone_no=$P{telephone_no}
    and start_date between $P{start_date} and $P{end_date} ;

    Now we have to implement the same thing on our own interface and not on jasper server,i.e when we enter the start date and end date and submit it ,the report should display a portion of the report based on the dates given.This requires html,jsp and servlets please help me with the code.





  6. Hi,

    I have a similar requirement to create a start and end date tab and when a particular date is selected specific details under that date should be displayed. Can you give a step by step method of doing this ,if possible wiyh jsp/servlet. I understand that you have also done something similar.

    Kindly reply



    Post Edited by anushka at 12/13/2010 09:46
  7.  HI All,

    I am required  to generate a report on jasper ireport which must have the property of displaying a specific portion of a report based on a 'start date' . Please let me know if jsp/servlet codes are available for this.

    Kindly reply asap.

    Thank you,

    Anushka .


    Post Edited by anushka at 12/13/2010 09:21
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