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Everything posted by neozerabbit

  1. Anybody has and advice, a tip to avoid duplicating data in order to use one source of data for a Master report and its sub reports ? Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/17/2011 11:31
  2. It's a pity I tried also this : Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameters.put("RESULT_SET_ORDERS1", resultSetOrders); parameters.put("RESULT_SET_ORDERS2", resultSetOrders); But it consumes also the data source : (by reference it seems) It would be great to make an enhancement. So is there a contournement solution ? cloning data ? Beause I would like to query once ? Anthony
  3. I have 1 data source ( JRResultSetDataSource initialize in Java from Database(s) ). I pass it to a master report which in fact only a composition of several sub reports. ex : .....parameters.put("RESULT_SET_ORDERS", resultSetOrders);.... .....JRResultSetDataSource resultSetDataSource = new JRResultSetDataSource(resultSetOrders);..... ......JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, resultSetDataSource);...... Master report has RESULT_SET_ORDERS parameter, all my sub reports too. The type is java.sql.ResultSet In Master report i set sub reports with : Connexion : Use a datasource expression Data Source Expression : new JRResultSetDataSource($P{RESULT_SET_ORDERS}) Parameters : aDate and RESULT_SET_ORDERS When i Run ùy report (JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, resultSetDataSource) ;) I have only one of my to sub reports which is displayed. If I have sub report 1 & sub report 2 and run the report I have sub report 1 only If I delete sub report 1, let sur report 2 and run the report I have sub report 2 If I delete sub report 2, let sub report 1 and run the report I have sub report 1 Anthony Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/18/2011 12:23
  4. Thank you. I realize my mistake was on the if expression. I set .... == "typeA" instead of .....equals(...) in my sum variable
  5. For a sub report I have for exemple GlobalView Total typeA type B Commission sum(commissions) sum(commissions of type==typeA) sum(commissions of type==typeB) Fees ........... I only use the page footer to display my data after everythinh has been processed. Total is quite easy I only have to set a sum of my "commission" filed on the page. But for "typeA" & "typeB" I do not know how I can filter data (i made some try with if condition). Anthony Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/13/2011 09:09
  6. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=82621
  7. Ok I understand. Pass Data in the parameter Map. I thought I could pass directly in report data set. Thanks
  8. I made a prototype with Birt. For a project I am benchmarking reporting solutions : - Birt Open Source - Birt Actuate - Jasper - Jasper + Aspose Cells - Microstrategy (In progress) - Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. (in progress) I tink Birt is more easy to use at first sight. The UI is very prowerfull and you have serveral ways for a same issue. Jasper is a less evident and have less options. Birt is unforunatly no mature : it is a good tool but there some bug and problems that lead us to consider more Jasper. Physical architecture is closed and not friendly to surcharge contrary to Jasper. For exemple when you want to export as XLS in Jasper you onlu need to use ou program a jar for an Exporter wheras in Birt you have to write an Ecplise plug in, and put it in the Birt Engine to replace the emiter (seem to be that you cannot choose or define an Emitter / exporter and you have to replace the default emitter by yours). The fact is that Jasper is more stable, open than birt but less "sexy" in its User Interface but it feed almost all cases you need to make a report and you can easily (modularity, no heavy dependance) write your own libe for specific treatment. Birt is is a bit like a Blackbox. Oracle Business Intelligence ... seems very prowerfull but it's heavy (need its own database, schema ++.etc) and can do reporting and analytics. It's a bit over, outside a simple need of reporting. Microstrategy is on the same concept than Oracle Business Intelligence but it seems liter in installation, configuration and utilization. Anthony
  9. My main report displays a list of orders grouped by market. For each group I have a sub report in with I have to display infromations on a user I am externalizing queries from my report in order to have my report completly independant. Data can be retreived by SQL, by Bean or even by file. Fields in report do not change. I use serveral different JR....DataSource to fit my report. I have a report and a sub report for the moment (more later). I manage to get my data from different soruces (databases, queries etc) but I do not know how to pass data to sub report. I only know how to pass data to master report. ----------------------------------------------------- JRResultSetDataSource resultSetDataSource = new JRResultSetDataSource(resultSetOrders); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, resultSetDataSource); ----------------------------------------------------- resultSetOrders is here a query. I have another query :resultSetUser. I would like to pass to my pass resultSetUser to my sub report . I think I have to pass a global data source to my master report and set in a var to pass the resultSetUser to my sub report. Do you know how can i do that ? Anthony Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/12/2011 17:07
  10. I understand. The strange thing is not the order by or not. It is that for exemple for France group I have several time the France country group in my report instead of having it just once.
  11. My main report displays a list of orders grouped by market. For each group I have a sub report in with I have to display infromations on a user I am externalizing queries from my report in order to have my report completly independant. Data can be retreived by SQL, by Bean or even by file. Fields in report do not change. I use serveral different JR....DataSource to fit my report. I have a report and a sub report for the moment (more later). I manage to get my data from different soruces (databases, queries etc) but I do not know how to pass data to sub report. I only know how to pass data to master report. ----------------------------------------------------- JRResultSetDataSource resultSetDataSource = new JRResultSetDataSource(resultSetOrders); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, resultSetDataSource); ----------------------------------------------------- resultSetOrders is here a query. I have another query :resultSetUser. I would like to pass to my pass resultSetUser to my sub report . I think I have to pass a global data source to my master report and set in a var to pass the resultSetUser to my sub report. Do you know how can i do that ? Anthony Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/10/2011 16:21 Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/10/2011 16:26 Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/13/2011 09:17
  12. I noticed that is I do not put an order by in my query or a sort off my collection grouping of my resultset is not correct. I have something like Belgium DATA France DATA France DATA England DATA France DATA Belgium DATA instead of Belgium DATA Belgium DATA France DATA France DATA France DATA England DATA Is it normal or I missed something when I had my goup ? Post Edited by neozerabbit at 01/20/2011 14:33
  13. I confirm goups are used for detail band. they surround the detail band. You can have as many groups a you want, hierarchical organized. For your needs it seems you will need groups and sub reports using parameters or variables from your master report.
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