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Posts posted by ceday

  1. lets say, you have two fields, one for label (fixed length/height), the other one is actual data.

    put them in a frame, use "strecth with overflow" with data field.

    then for the label field, for stretch option, select "tallest object in the band".

    (altough it says band, it actually gets the tallest object in the frame, which is the container)

    also, if you have other elements below them, you need to make their position type as "float"

  2. trunk doesnt include some changes made in 4.0.2 version. (JRParagraph interface and related changed)

    is that normal?

    I was updating JR version, since I saw couples bugs fixed in SVN (introduced in 4.0.2 version), I used "trunk" codes.

    Is it possible to get the latest code, somewhere ? :)


    Post Edited by ceday at 07/11/2011 13:56
  3. If you are absolutely sure, you cant handle subreports in a single subreport using some expressions and groups, you might try this one. I am not exactly sure it will work, but it should :)

    If you havent changed PrintOrder property of the report, default one should be Vertical.

    Between two subreports, you need to call "ResultSet.beforeFirst()", however resultset should be rewindable to do this.

    You might need to write a scriptlet.

    Or you can write a cutom JRDataSet and always call beforeFirst method on the constructor.




    Post Edited by ceday at 01/18/2011 11:09
  4.  option one: send different connections as a parameter and use them as connection expression.


    option two: impelementing custom JRQueryExecuters.

    there could be other ways to do this, these are the first ones I can think of.

    afaik JR doesnt manage your db connections in any way, so be sure to close/ or return them to pool(if you have a pool impelementation) when you are done with them.

    Post Edited by ceday at 01/13/2011 14:57
  5. have you tried using JaxenXPathExecuterFactory?

    I have seen somewhere (probably here in forums), this implementation is a lot faster than the default one.

    override the property in jasperreports.properties file


  6.  in subreport properties, there is parameters&return values. (there is an example: demo/samples/subreport)

    you can use that one, or there is another one called parameters map expression (for bulk)

    (recommended usage is for this one is new HashMap(${Map_exp}) If you want to pass all masterreport params to subreport.



  7.  I have used JR some time ago :) 0.5x beta- 1.x

    Actually it was quite good back then too :) 

    Recently I have begun to search an updated java-based report engine to replace the reporting engine for the company I have been working sometime.

    Most obvious ones were of course BIRT and JR.

    BIRT has an advantage of being eclipse-based community but I think it is still immature and need some time.

    There was not enough components when you compare with JR (complex components actually is not problem, they are considred as facility, but I couldnt actually see "line" component in BIRT which might be a critical one for some) (maybe it has now, dont know)

    And I didnt really like the GUI design, grid-layout was only option or I just didnt know how to do otherwise.

    (actually I would be a good future to be able to use grid-layout for some bands - not the whole report- in JR)

    I think what missing in JR is an eclipse plugin, which they seem to be working on. ireport is a good one, but eclipse integration is a must for such a report engine.




  8. Is there any documentation for how to build sources in Netbeans?

    I am a long-time eclipse user and I feel completely "dummy" when I just open Netbeans IDE :)

    There is supposed to be one in Wiki but it shows only how to design a report in Netbeans, not the compilation stuff.




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