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Posts posted by j3grewal

  1. Hi,

    I want to pass a custom data source to a sub query. In some examples it was recommended to define the datasource as a parameter or field to main query and then pass that parameter or field as data source using (Data Source Expression property) of subreport element in iReport.

    However, the property Data Source Expression of subreport element seems to be disabled in iReport. I tried changing the XML source to add this property but get a parser error about Xpath.

    I would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction on how to set the custom datasource for the subquery and how should it be passed in to the fill manager.  Passing it as field or parameter to main query, is that the right approach?

    Let me know if any clarifications or examples are required.


  2. Hi,

    Is there a way to deisgn a report in iReport so that the HTML version does not have a fixed width but rather I can give it percentage width of the page. I have a separate report template for HTML version. So the solution does not have to apply to all different formats.


  3. Hi,

    I am trying to integrate jasper report within our jruby on rails web application. I am able to get the html code as a string which can then be rendered by rails. However, the report requires many images. Static images (e.g. px) that are required by Jasper can be placed into my public images directory and display fine by passing in the images uri parameter. But I am not sure what to do what the rest of the images, specially chart images which are generated on the fly.

    Is there any way I could get the image source as byte string and embed it in the html as in-line image?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  4. Hi,

    Is there a way to set minimum width of bars in a bar graph (3D) in iReport? My bar graph will always have only three bars. I want to increase the width of bars so that the bars use up more of the chart area than apprearing far apart.

    Also can I control the tranparency of the bars within chart properties?


  5. Hi,

    I am using iReport to create a report. Within report, my details section is quite long and spans two pages. I was able to insert a page break successfully but there seems to be a limit to the band height and I can't fit all my content in it (even after the page break).

    The report is a letter which has more static content than dynamic. The letter is only generated for one client at a time, hence I don't even need the details section to repeat multiple times. Is there an easy way to achieve this in iReport? A different report template perhaps?



  6. Hi,

    I am trying to use Jasper reports with hibernate either using HQL or JRDataSource. Reporting on object properites works fine. However I have not been able to find any examples of how to include object properties of type Set in the report.

    For example if I have a Java object of class Person that has a property pets which is a Set of Pet class. My query was done on Person class, then how would I print the names of all the pets for a single person in the report. Moreover, can I filter the set ofobjects, that is only include pets that meet certain criteria, a minimum age for example.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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