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  1. Hi, Can anyone post sample here for LDAP Authentication in JasperServer 3.7? Sample on how to configure and edit the files applicationContext-security.xml and applicationContext-multiTenancy-security.xml. The sample I have seen doesn't match the new applicationContext-security.xml in JS 3.7. The applicationContext-security.xml in JS 3.7 doesn't have "initialDirContextFactory" bean and the property names "managerDn" and "managerPassword". Please, I badly need help on this. I still don't get any success. Thanks in advance.
  2. Try to download: Customizing and Rebranding the Jaspersoft User Interface link: http://www.jaspersoft.com/download/customizing-and-rebranding-jaspersoft-user-interface Hope this helps.
  3. Hi, Can anyone post sample here for LDAP Authentication in JasperServer 3.7? Sample on how to configure and edit the files applicationContext-security.xml and applicationContext-multiTenancy-security.xml. The sample I have seen doesn't match the new applicationContext-security.xml in JS 3.7. The applicationContext-security.xml in JS 3.7 doesn't have "initialDirContextFactory" bean and the property names "managerDn" and "managerPassword". Please, I badly need help on this. I still don't get any success. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hi, I have edited the applicationContext-security.xml files to enable enable ldap authentication in jasperserver 3.7 but I was unable to login successfully and got this messages on my logs. WARN LoggerListener,http-8080-Processor20:60 - Authentication event AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent: bryan; details: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.MTWebAuthenticationDetails@0: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: A23D8A99297555CAF7A47CA418F111C8; exception: Bad credentialsAttached here is my applicationContext-security.xml. Can anyone help me with this thing? Thanks in advance.
  5. hi, Can anyone tell me the difference between these 3 files jasperver-servlet-pro-mt.xml jasperver-servlet-pro.xml jasperver-servlet.xmlWhat are these files for and what triggers them? Thanks.
  6. Hi Everyone, Does the latest release of JasperServer support reports and other resources created with old versions of JasperServer like version 2.1?
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