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Posts posted by stinkycheeseman

  1. I need a way to split columns within a crosstab to populate separate counts for each group. OR, somehow combine each first non-unique group column into one.


    Data is currently in three separate SubDataSets with the following type of queries:


    select GROUPNAME, TIMESTAMP, COUNT from SUMMARY where timestamp >= to_date($P{StartDate}) AND timestamp <= to_date($P{EndDate}) AND ( to_date(to_char(timestamp,'HH24:MI:SS'),'HH24:MI:SS') between to_date($P{EveningStartTiime},'HH24:MI:SS') AND to_date($P{EveningEndTime},'HH24:MI:SS')) order by groupname, timestamp

    Here is a text version of the desired format.
    I have attached a word document to provide a better illustration.

    Groups  Shifts                                                      07/07/10 07/08/10
    501        Day - 07:00-15:00                                   7000         8000
                   Evening - 15:00-23:00                           8000          6000
                   Nights - 23:00-07:00                            14000         5000

    502        Day - 07:00-15:00                                   5500         4500
                   Evening - 15:00-23:00                           6700         6500
                   Nights - 23:00-07:00                            11000        9500

    Since the Date range can be dynamic from the user’s selection, a crosstab element seems to be the proper element to leverage. But, it does not appear possible to have THREE separate SubDataSets to feed one CrossTab element.  Or, is there?


    Even if somehow possible to combine into one dataset,  are there any tips on how I could achieve the split columns?


    I am also open to any other suggestions of alternate element types or the type of approach used.


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