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Posts posted by cyberdemos

  1. Hi all,

    i have a big problem performing upgrade from Jasperserver 3.7.1 to 5.6.1

    Platform OS: Windows 7 64 bit
    First of all i've exported 3.7.1 version into a zip file thru js-export.bat. No errors.

    Then i've installed  Jasperserver 5.6.1 64 bit without problem. I've also tried to login with success.
    Later i've upgraded Jasperserver 5.6.1 with my zip file with js-upgrade-newdb-ce.bat without any problem. No errors into upgrade log file.

    The problem is that i have http 404 status when i try to see jasper home page...

    So i've looked into jasperreportstomcat-stderr and i've found a catalina.loader.WebClassLoader loadClass error --> Illegal access

    Into Jasperreportstoomcat-stdout i've also found a Context initialization failed. ERROR:permission denied for relation jiresourcefolder...

    Could you help me please? It is very important.

    Thank you so much in advance.

  2. Hi all,

    I have an Oracle DB with some cubes.

    Now i've to generate their schema to upload inside jasperserver and i'd like to know if there is a specific software for that.

    I tried to write myself this schema code but a specific software would be better...

    Thank you in advance for your help!


  3. Hi all,
    i've the same problem.

    I've done a subreport with 4 columns; in each of them i put two fields and running alone this subreport is all ok. In fact the height of the detail band is limited to display only one row orizzontally.

    When I insert it into the main report the records of subreport are written vertically.

    At the bottom of the page of main report the subreport try to insert all rows writing horizontally... this is not normal...

    Attached some images...


  4. Hi all,

    Is it possible to sum only some kind of row in a crosstab?
    For example i have a row group (i.e. kind_1, kind_2 etc.)and a related measure.
    Can i sum only row of kind_1 or kind_2 ?

    The solution could be of type ( <condition> ? exp1 : exp2 )?

    Thank you very much.


  5. Hi all,

    i have a great problem with Jasperserver 3.7.1.

    I've a different behavior between Ireport 3.7.6 and jasperserver 3.7.1 using TRUNC Oracle function on dates to obtain the first day of the week (Monday).

    Running the report on Ireport is always correct instead Jasperserver often refers to Sunday instead Monday.

    Have i to copy a particular jar file from Ireport to jasperserver to solve this problem?

    Thank you very much my friends! 


  6. Thank you very much mdahlman.

    You have exactly answered to my question.


    I've seen 3.7 version but i'll pass to 4.0 as soon as possible.

    With 3.7 version is impossible modify report unit layout.

    As i can see 4.0 version i'll try to modify this meta to create an order input control and, if possible, an horizontal layout between textfiel and their own description fields.


    As i know domething more i'll update this post.



  7. Hi all!

    Is there a way to customize field positioning inside a report unit?

    I.e. if i have a mandatory field and a read-only field containing its description how can i put the second field on the right side of the first instead on the bottom as default?

    Thank you very much for your help!

  8. Hi all,
    i've a big and urgent problem!

    I've to call an Oracle  stored procedure from Jasper and i've followed the interesting guide here: http://www.brianburridge.com/2006/06/04/how-to-call-stored-procedures-from-jasper-reports/

    A function calls a stored procedure and then returns data to jasper.

    The problem is that this stored procedure writes output into a oracle global temporary table and so when the procedure ends all data are lost because of  "delete on commit" option.

    When i go to read data thru a cursor from GTT no data are found...

    So... is there any way to move the reading of GTT inside of Stored procedure before its commit with all data inside temporary table?

    Thanks a lot this is a very big problem... 


    The solution for me was writing the stored procedure directly inside the function writing its output  inside the created type created instead inside temporary table.

    So the ORACLE temporary table is not used, the table of types is very performing and there are no problems with session as with temporary tables.


    Post Edited by cyberdemos at 01/27/2011 15:31
  9. ramnik

    the tomcat-users.xml file can be found under {jasperserver_install}apache-tomcatconf

    By default , all users are commented out in that file


    see details from file




      NOTE:  By default, no user is included in the "manager" role required

      to operate the "/manager" web application.  If you wish to use this app,

      you must define such a user - the username and password are arbitrary.



      NOTE:  The sample user and role entries below are wrapped in a comment

      and thus are ignored when reading this file. Do not forget to remove

      <!.. ..> that surrounds them.



      <role rolename="tomcat"/>

      <role rolename="role1"/>

      <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>

      <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>

      <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>



    Hi and thank you for your answer.

    Unfortunately this file is not present in bundled Jasperserver-CE 3.7.1 TOMCAT and so i tryed to create it in the path you mentioned in following way:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
      <role rolename="dbadmin"/>
      <role rolename="manager"/>
      <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="dbadmin,manager"/>
      <user username="manager" password="manager" roles="manager"/>

    When i try to access from Tomcat Login page (http://localhost:8080/) but with no success.
    Administration page returns a message "Tomcat's administration web application is no longer installed by default. Download and install the "admin" package to use it.

    While manager page doesn't accept manager/manager user.

    How can i proceed? Thank you in advance.

  10. prx69


    may be an obvious question, I did not find anywhere what is the user and password of Tomcat Manager installed with the embedded Tomcat of CE installer.bin ?

    there is no file of tomcat-users

    thanks in advance.


    It's not so obvious because i've the same problem...

    There's anyone who knows how to access into Tomcat Manager?

    Thank you in advance.

  11. cbarlow3

    When I was first having my troubles with deploying subreports to JasperServer repository, I at one point couldn't find my subreports on the repository either, but they were actually there.  The default behavior is that when you deploy your main report and choose to have the plug-in bring over your subreports also, the subreport directory is changed from a local disk drive name to repo: with no /, etc. The relative pathname implies that it expects the subreport to be in the Resources folder under the main report folder.  If you instead think the subreport is useful to run on it's own as a stand-alone report, then I would deploy the subreport separately to the repository and change the pathname that the main report uses to find it.  Check my earlier posts...I've written about this several times in more detail.  Good luck!


    Hi Cbarlow3 and thanks for your answer but this did'nt solve my problem.

    The "default behavior" as you say doesn't work in my case (ireport version > 3.7.1) and so after many test i found the right way.
    First, I added Main report as "Report Unit" skipping automatic procedure for subreports. Then I added subreport in resources folder as jrxml.

    To be sure main report find subreport is important to write the whole path in "subreport expression" just like "repo:/FOLDER_1/FOLDER2/reportname_subreport" without ".jrxml". You can copy the path in the subreport properties field in the reposiitory.

    In this way it's all right. Bye!




    Hi all,

    i'm writing because i've a problem with uploading sub-reports into repository.

    I've installed jasperserver 3.7.1 (community edition) and Ireport 3.7.1.

    Then i've created a main report with a sub-report and when uploaded into repository the automatic procedure has changed SUBREPORT_DIR with repo. So i've not any problem with Ireport 3.7.1.

    Later i've tried to install Ireport 3.7.5 and 3.7.6 making the same operations.

    When I upload the report it lets the SUBREPORT_DIR without any change and i can't find the sub-report into repository.

    This is a great problem because i can't use newest version of Ireport.

    Someone of you has the same problem with Ireport versions upper then 3.7.1?

    Thank you very much!

  13. Hi all,
    i'm writing because i've a problem with uploading sub-reports into repository.

    I've installed jasperserver 3.7.1 (community edition) and Ireport 3.7.1.
    Then i've created a main report with a sub-report and when uploaded into repository the automatic procedure has changed SUBREPORT_DIR with repo. So i've not any problem with Ireport 3.7.1.

    Later i've tried to install Ireport 3.7.5 and 3.7.6 making the same operations.
    When I upload the report it lets the SUBREPORT_DIR without any change and i can't find the sub-report into repository.

    This is a great problem because i can't use newest version of Ireport.

    Someone of you has the same problem with Ireport versions upper then 3.7.1?

    Thank you very much!

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