I'm trying to upload a report unit via the webservice and need to verify that my xml request is formatted correctly. Currently I'm receiving a successful response from the webservice but my report unit doesn't show up when I browse the server via iReport. Here is my request xml: <request operationName='put' locale='en'> <resourceDescriptor name='barunit' wsType='reportUnit' uriString='/reports/bar/bar_files' isNew='true'> <label>Bar Unit</label> <description>This is a test</description> <resourceProperty name='PROP_PARENT_FOLDER'> <value>/reports/bar</value> </resourceProperty> <resourceDescriptor name='bar.jrxml' wsType='jrxml' uriString='/reports/bar/bar_files' isNew='true'> <label>Bar Report</label> <description>This is a test</description> <resourceProperty name='PROP_RU_IS_MAIN_REPORT'> <value>true</value> </resourceProperty> </resourceDescriptor> </resourceDescriptor> </request>[/code]If anyone could verify this is correct I would greatly appreciate it. I believe this is what the webservice guide is describing but I'm not certain!