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Posts posted by ankushchhabra

  1. Hi


    We are using JasperSoft 6.0.1 Professional hosted On Amazon Cloud.

    Our Application is in PHP and using Visualize.js to integrate the jasperreports into application.


    We created a report using Crosstab component and it works fine on jasperserver.

    But when we try to access this report using visualize.js on Chrome/IE, it gives us  CORS "Cross Origin Resource Sharing" error.

    However, the same works fine when accessed from Firefox


    I am using latest chrome 49.0.2623.112 m


    Things i have tried



    1) CORS Filter



    Added filter mentioned in above links in web.xml of both Jasper and Tomcat


    2) Added the following property in chrome



    I would really appreciate any leads towards the fix.






  2. Hi Akash / VanyaC


    Somhow i am not able to reply to this thread so writing my question in comment section.

    We have integrated jasper 6.0 with our application and are using domains/ ahdoc view heavily and they in turn uses cache heavily.

    We need to clear the cache programatically .

    Can you guide me if how can i call  and from where i need to call this piece of code.







  3. Hi


    I am using Jasperserver 5.6 Community Edition.

    I have more than 1000 jpg images on FTP Server and i need to show couple of images in some of my reports. 

    Jasperserver and  FTP server are different machines .

    I tried using java utility to get those image from ftp server but that is too slow.

    How can i proceed ? Will using JasperETL fix this ?  




  4. Hi Friends , I need your help in passubg csv datasource to subReports .

    I would highly appreciate your suggestion or solutions.

    I am using iReport 5.0 professional version.

    I have a very complex report and that report fetch data from multiple (approx 10) csv files.

    I have created subReports for each section of the reports and each subReport is working fine as a indivisual Report.

    But when i try to integrate all the subReports into a main Reports , then i am not able to pass datasource to the subReports.

    In Main , i created a parameter called CSVDS of type net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRCsvDataSource with its default value as following new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRCsvDataSource(new File("D:\client\data\SR1.csv"))

    and in order to make sure that CSVDS is getting value from SR1.CVS , i added a textbod with following expression and it returned true $P{CVSDS}.next() -- return true --which means that CSVDS gets populated from the data from SR1.csv

    Further, i passed $P{CVSDS} as datasource to the subReport but the subReports was coming blank.

    So , overall , i would like to know how can i pass csv datasource to subReports .

    PS : I have tried almost all the solutions avaiable on Stack overflow  but nothing worked for me.

    Regards, Ankush

  5. Hi All , 

    I want to host a Jasperserver5.0 on Amazon AWS using the free demo account .

    This free aws account gives 613 MB of ram . Any usage beyong 613 MB of ram is chargable. 

    Can someone guide me how much RAM / hard disk / processor jasperserver5.0 needs including tomcat , java and pg3 db . Will i be able to host this on free aws account  without paying much.


    PS : I have jasperserver professional license with me so i dont want to take  $1/hour aws hosting .








  6. Hi, 

    I have started Implementation of JasperServer5.0 on  a java based enterprise web application. 

    That application is divided into 7 products with each product having seprate  Database , Logos and other resources.

    However, all 7 products  have some reports whose UI desidn is common except logos and datasource.


    I would like for community members to advice to me "What should be design of Repository Structure"

    There are two approaches in my mind:

    1) Keep JRXML together in 1 folder , Keep Datasource together  in 1 folder, Keep logos together 1 folder and then create 7 folders for each product and each of 7 folder will having reports which will be using logo/jrxml placed at a common location or folder

    2) Create 7 parent level folder for each product and dont share anything among them .  then for each of product ,store only 1 datasource. 1 logo   etc.  Once you are inside of a folder of a particular product, then  you will only see the resource which belong to it.


    Please suggest.


    Thansk and Regards,




  7. Hi Everyone, 

    I override   customize(JFreechart chart, JRChart chart)   method  in Eclipse and created the jar and added that jar in jasperserver's lib folder.

    I want to debug the code i wrote above since its not working.  

    How can i debug it ? I added sysout statement at couple of places inside customize() method , but they are getting printed in jasperserver.log files.

    Please suggest .


    PS : Utlimately , I want to access  Bar' Chart ' Series expression data . So my customization need's Series expression value.






  8. I am using JasperReports Server 5.0 professional Version.


    For one of the report, I am using Chart Customizer to customize the color of the bars. Evaluation Time is Report


    In iReport, i have defined the Series expression as


     $F{form} + "(" + $V{month} + ")"  


    In customize method of Java file, i want to access above expressions' value which are


    1-sep , 2 - Oct, 3 -Jan , 4 -Feb


    I have tried the following code to get Series values but no success.


      public JRCategorySeries[] categoryList = null ; 

      JRFillCategoryDataset  categoryDS  = (JRFillCategoryDataset)jasperChart.getDataset();

      categoryList = categoryDS.getSeries();


      SubCategoryAxis domainAxis = new SubCategoryAxis("");



      for (int i = 0 ; i <categoryList.length -1 ; i++ ) {


        JRCategorySeries jrcategoryseries = categoryList;





    I need help in accessing series data point in customize method. I will appreciate your comments.

  9. I am using JasperReports Server 5.0 professional Version.


    For one of the report, I am using Chart Customizer to customize the color of the bars. Evaluation Time is Report


    In iReport, i have defined the Series expression as


    $F{form} + "(" + $V{month} + ")"


    In customize method of Java file, i want to access above expressions' value which are


    1-sep , 2 - Oct, 3 -Jan , 4 -Feb


    I have tried the following code to get Series values but no success.


    public JRCategorySeries[] categoryList = null ;

    JRFillCategoryDataset categoryDS = (JRFillCategoryDataset)jasperChart.getDataset();

    categoryList = categoryDS.getSeries();


    SubCategoryAxis domainAxis = new SubCategoryAxis("");



    for (int i = 0 ; i


    JRCategorySeries jrcategoryseries = categoryList;





    I need help in accessing series data point in customize method. I will appreciate your comments.

  10. Hello , 

    I have a CSV Datasource and it has start, end and employee number with each row being a house vist. and i want to create a report as shown in attached pdf  .

     I am using. Jasperserver4.7.1  with iReport 4.7.1. "The output should be  a chart showing the employees daily activity with the time of the house visit and the duration of the visit."

    Can anybody help me in figurng out how can i create the chart as shown .



  11. I faced and fixed this issue .

    Open CC Clearner. Clear all brower data, application data, cache and all.

    Restart jasperserver and database  (not sure if this is mandatory but i did this )


    Ankush Chhabra





  12. I am not sure if i understood you problem in right manner but you can do the following :-


    1) create one chart and put that chart in details band . Data source of that chart should be main Data set .


    2) you can create 5 different sub report with each sub report listing 4 charts . Now Create a main report , drag / drop sub report element from palatte into Detail band . Right click on Sub report , change the sub report expression on certain condition like


    (field1.equals("data1")? subreport1 : field1.equals("data2")? subreport 2 : field1.equals("data3"): subreport3? field1.equals("data4"): subreport 4 )






  13. Hi ,

    I am using iReport 4.2.0 and oracle as db

     I want to know how i can set auto commit  Property to false . I could see getAutoCommit() of $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} but could not see any setAutoCommit() .


    Please advice how can i set auto comment to false.




  14. Its working in 4.7 . I just Passed value from main Report dataset to Table dataset.




    1) Create data set . Declare the required parameter in the subdataset

    2) Drag drop table/chart

    3) Right click on table/chart

    4) Click on Parameter tab

    5) click on add , now select the dataset parameter and set its value with corresponding main report parameter . Main Report parameter is getting value from prompt

    6) Repeat step 5 for all other dataset parameter

  15. Even i was facing this issue today when i was working with Tables.

    The issue i found was that : Prompt was coming for Main Report parameter but not coming for Table parameter ie Dataset Parameter.


    So , soln is :-

    1) Create data set . Declare the required parameter in the subdataset

    2) Drag drop table/chart

    3) Right click on table/chart

    4) Click on Parameter tab in middle

    5) click on add , now select the dataset parameter and set its value with corresponding main report parameter . Main Report parameter is getting value from promot

    6) Repeat step 5 for all other dataset parameter


    Compiler and run again.



    Ankush Chhabra



  16.  Hi , 

    Lets suppose if your java Bean , Accounts.java , contain the following properties

    Private String fName;

    Private String lName;

    Private List <BankAccount> bAccounts ;  


    And BankAccount.java looks like following

    private String bankId;

    private String branch ; 


    ==================== iReport ====================


    1) Create a Master Report , Supply the query

    2 ) Declare fNname(String) , lName (String) , bAccounts (Object)

    3) Drag fName and lName in the Header of the report 

    4) In Detail band , create another subreport and pass bAccounts  as a datasource using the following expression

    <dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{bAccounts})]]></dataSourceExpression>

     5) Now , in the sub report , declare the fields  ie bankId(String) and branch(String)

    6) Drag Drop the fields in detail bank of  Sub report

    Hopefully , this will solve your purpose.'







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