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  1. I seen in the 5.0 server download some reports the discripition show "parameter isJasperAnalysis=true/false" but can't seen to find anything on "isJasperAnalysis" what is this parameter and how does one use it ?
  2. yes both can be pased with the "domain Parameters" in Ireport under the palette in the tools section drag "domain Parameters" into your report this will alow you to add the Logged in user , and logged in user roles
  3. I just installed so far I have a few comments/questions setup - Wow this migh be easy for a Java developer but for your avrage report writer you have a long way to go befor the avrage user will be able to use this as a Ireport replacemnt UI - finding things is a bit of a problem. Not sure how i got the outline to come up (showed up after right clicking on the report desighn prospective and selecting reset) still have not found the Palette once i found the "cheat sheets" this helped some but... How can you tell what band is what in ireport there was a watermark in each band to let you know that the band was (in the designer screen).
  4. Is ther any way to use the other fusion Charts ? Any of the CombinationSingleY style charts are what I am working with right now, I see alot of the widgets as my next project
  5. Nope:( just about any thing to do with what is in the element (fonts, fills,borders,...) but not the size of the element
  6. I was able to do this by making each page it's own sub report using the "no data" bands for pages with no data elements.
  7. Have you tried seting the ignore pagination setting under the report's properties
  8. is there same way to set the Height and width of new objects IE when i drag a new "static text" element in to my report off the palette it is 35X100 then i have to resize it to fit the report (15X35).
  9. I have don this with changing the page size of a report in i-report
  10. I want to create a report that would have many pages of "boiler plate" text with some fields on some pages and 2 list reports on pages 12 and 14. I can't seem to find any way to create pagesto drop the "boiler plate" onto. Any sugestions ?
  11. has any one created a report that would list all the reports housed on a JS and what roles/users can say read/write/admin ? something like : Report name roles user permisions ------------------- --------------------------- --------------- ---------------- Report A User Joe_user read User superuser admin admin superuser admin Report B admin superuser admin
  12. also have the ability to revert to a prior "version" of the report would be nice !
  13. We are using a report we built using this SQL SELECT DISTINCT "jiuser".fullname , date_trunc('minute',"jiaccessevent".event_date) as "accessed on" , "jiresource".label AS "report label" , "jiresourcefolder".label AS "folder label" FROM ((public.jiresource "jiresource" INNER JOIN public.jiresourcefolder "jiresourcefolder" ON ("jiresource".parent_folder = "jiresourcefolder".id)) INNER JOIN public.jiaccessevent "jiaccessevent" ON ("jiaccessevent".resource_id = "jiresource".id)) INNER JOIN public.jiuser "jiuser" ON ("jiaccessevent".user_id = "jiuser".id) WHERE ("jiresourcefolder".name NOT IN ('Beta', 'Beta_Reports', 'datasources', 'DataSources', 'datatypes', 'domains', 'Domains', 'Domain_Topics', 'images', 'Images', 'Input_controls', 'Input_Controls'))
  14. I want to create a report that has a listing of all the reports I have on my Jasper server and what "role" has access to that report. has any one done this or have any ideas on how i would go about this ? I have createed a report of user by role (see code below) if everything went well I would want to join this up to a list of reports this user has access to Code:SELECT "jiuser".username , "jiuser".fullname , "jirole".rolename , "jiuser".enabledFROM (public.jiuserrole "jiuserrole" INNER JOIN public.jirole "jirole" ON ("jiuserrole".roleid = "jirole".id)) INNER JOIN public.jiuser "jiuser" ON ("jiuserrole".userid = "jiuser".id) ORDER BY "jiuser".username ASC
  15. I am sure i am missing somthing here, but i want to have a report write back to the DB when the report is run in Jasper server the SQL is simple but i can get it to work on the jasper server SQL insert into bi.jr_input_demo values ($P{Branch},$P{user_input_1},$P{user_input_2}); commit; select * from jr_input_demo Post Edited by mnoland2 at 12/22/2010 23:45
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