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Posts posted by ginamdar

  1. Thanks for this explaination and the links. Though one question you said its upto viewer how to render a report (or document) so does MS Word behaves differently when my same report is exported in Docx and RTF?



  2. I think what I saw so far is


    If you are generating RTF report and set the font as SansSerif the output is actually something which is Serif and not "Sans" the reason is if I generate same report in DOCX i get TimesNewRoman. And this font is actually from the family of SansSerif (without strokes @ the end of each character)


    Also There is no such a font called SansSerif in Windows but you have Microsoft SansSerif, MS Reference SansSerif etc.



    1) Im not sure why the same reports with different output generated with different font

    2) What if Im generating a report using Jasper on Unix box where I may not have Microsoft Sans Serif ..but If I set the property in JRXML as Microsot SansSerif..what would be the actual output font?

    Somewhere Im preety much confused.

  3. Hi Guys

    the last comment made me to revist my problem and I found the source. I have $P field with defaultTextExpression which was coming from one of my resource file. So if $P field was NULL it would take as some default e.g. ALL. and that is why my ?: was not working as I thought...but yes i was wrong.

    And thanks a lot for all of you helping on it.

    It worked now.!


  4. I have a ternary expression in a report @ Custom Group Header -1 read as

    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[( new java.lang.String($P{RequestedLocationIdDisplay}).equals("0")  ? new java.lang.String("All" )  :  $F{locationName}

    but no matter what I sending report Parameter as LocationIdDisplay I always get "else" value in the final report. Even when Im having LocationID as "0" I still get "else" part and NOT a string "ALL"

    Im using Jasper 3.6.0




  5. Hi Teodor


    you last reply led me to go back and check the code and I realize that somewhere in report i was setting PAGINATION to OFF for reports other than RTF/PDF so just had to add for DOCX and everything WORKS properly!


    Sorry for wasting time here


    Thanks again


  6. Hi


    Thanks for reply. Please see the report snapshot for DOCX (with single page) and proper RTF (multiple page) when my first Custom Group Header 1 has Start on New Page = Checked for both.

    Seems whatever value i change in iReport for this it doesnt affect the DOCX but RTF behaves properly




  7. Hi

    Im trying to create report with CustomGroups. I also have property set for 1st group to Start On New Page. But surprisigly every time Jasper DOCX report creates it in one page regardless of what I set the above property.

    I want my 1st Customer Group (followed by other 2) should start on NEW Page every time and somhow Im getting ALL in 1 page. but RTF works fine.


    Im using jasperreport - 3.6.0

    I was also looking @ this thread http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=60387 but its for previous version of Jasper.


    1) Is that link relevant to my problem

    2) Do I have any solution here to start printing on new PAGE in DOCX?




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