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Posts posted by fstoian

  1. Hi

    I'm trying to use jasper reports for some ejb applications that are running on sap j2ee 7.0 ehp 1.

    I installed all the libs that jasper 3.7.1 requires.

    Locally with ireport everything works fine, but on the server at runtime

    in the fillreport method the server is crashing, without any server messages (j2ee is running under aix without x11 server

    but with java.awt.headless set to true).

    The last entries displayed by the trace are these:

    2010-09-13 08:49:18,760 DEBUG      DefaultExtensionsRegistry:194 - Instantiating extensions registry for components using factory class net.sf.jasperreports.components.ComponentsExtensionsRegistryFactory
    2010-09-13 08:49:18,765 DEBUG       SpringExtensionsRegistry:103 - Found 6 beans for extension type interface net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.FontFamily
    2010-09-13 08:49:18,766 DEBUG       SpringExtensionsRegistry:74  - Getting bean dejaVuSansFamily as extension of type net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.FontFamily
    2010-09-13 08:49:18,766 DEBUG                 XmlBeanFactory:214 - Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'dejaVuSansFamily'
    2010-09-13 08:49:18,767 DEBUG                 XmlBeanFactory:383 - Creating instance of bean 'dejaVuSansFamily'
    2010-09-13 08:49:18,770 DEBUG                 XmlBeanFactory:459 - Eagerly caching bean 'dejaVuSansFamily' to allow for resolving potential circular references
    After that server is restarts

    When i use jasper 1.3.4 everything is fine, but my report looks very bad.

    Does somebody have any idea how i can find the reason why the server is crashing?


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