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Posts posted by noude

  1. Thanks again for your reply mdahlman,


    It's working now, I used your technique, I changed something and now it works fine, but I am facing another problem (the last one I promise ^^).


    All that we have calculated are the "real inclusion rate"

    All that I would like to calculate is "planned inclusion rate"

    The start is at 3 planned inclusions per quarter.

    And I have to calculate it with +3 planned inclusions per quarter, and I have tryed to do this alone the morning et yesterday without sucess, do you think you can help me one last time please ? =)


    I attached one .bmp for the explication. ^^


    Thanks for your help...

    Post Edited by noude at 11/08/2010 13:14
  2. Thanks for your reply mdahlman,


    Yes it's my problem... I can have the Q1, Q2, ... from the months, but I don't know how to seperate dynamicaly the Q1-2008, Q1-2009, ... Because it can be from 1998 or 2006 or...


    Because I have to do a chart (in line) with this (with my table in my 1st post):

    Q4-2007 -> 3; 

    Q1-2008 -> 3; 

    Q2-2008 -> 3; 

    Q3-2008 -> 10; 

    Q4-2008 -> 10; 

    Q1-2009 -> 10; 

    Q2-2009 -> 15; 

    Q3-2009 -> 15; 

    Q4-2009 -> 15; 

    Q1-2010 -> 17;

    And I begin with Ireports... ^^

    Do you understand all ?

    Please I really need help because I'm a trainee and my internship will be completed soon... /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/cry_smile.gif

  3. Hello !


    The question is in the subject, how to get a quarter from a date ?


    I can have all kind of date in my .csv file. But not the quarter, so I need to have it.

    What I have to do is create a chart which shows a number by quarter.

    In my .csv file I have a thing like this:


    dates data
    01/12/2007 3
    12/08/2008 7
    10/02/2010 2
    28/05/2009 5

    and so I would to represente the data per quarter


    Can someone helps me please ? I always search in all the web but... ='(




    PS: I use Groovy.

    Post Edited by noude at 11/04/2010 10:14
  4. Hello cbarlow3,


    Yes you disuaded me ^^

    Days are the way to go ! =)


    I can ask you another quick question that nobody answers me?



    I have a new problem, I've a .csv file with this column:

    - Dates

    - 2008/10

    - 2009/05

    - 2010/01

    - 2010/10


    I want to have the time (in months) between two dates (for example 2008/10 and 2009/05)

    How can I do this please ?

    I really need help...

    it's been days since I'm on this problem ... :-/
  5. Hi everybody,


    I have a new problem, I've a .csv file with this column:

    - Dates

    - 2008/10

    - 2009/05

    - 2010/01

    - 2010/10


    I want to have the time (in days) between two dates (for example 2008/10 and 2009/05)

    How can I do this please ?

    I really need help... it's been days since I'm on this problem ... :-/

    Post Edited by noude at 10/08/2010 13:21
  6. Ok, the detail section is not the good place to display a chart ;)

    Try to put it in the "summary" band and tell me if it's good ^^


    The 'Detail' band  ==  A detail band corresponds to every record which is read by the datasource that feeds
    the print. In all probability, most of the print elements will be put here.

    So it's normal that you have every records in your chart ^^

    Post Edited by noude at 10/08/2010 09:30
  7. Hi,


    Your chart, where is it in your report ?

    in a group band ? on the detail band ?


    To show the percentage, you can (for example) do this in the "label format": {1} ({2})         blabla (10%)

    Post Edited by noude at 10/08/2010 09:20
  8. Hi,


    I need a solution for this please:


    I have a date == 01/2009 (it can be 03/2007 or 06/2008, 09/2010 or something like that)

    I need to know every month that are between that date and the current month.


    It's not possible with an SQL query because I use a .csv file !


    Please help me I can't continue my report because I don't know how to do this :'(


    Thanks for helping, bye.

  9. Hello !


    Sorry for my bad English ^^

    So, I have a chart, type "line".

    I have a .csv file. (first attachment)

    I have a graph to do in Ireports (second attachment)


    But I have a problem in my chart, I have only the dates I have in my .csv.

    And I need to have ALL the months since 2008/10 to 2010/10 in abscissa ! Do you understand ? ^^

    For example, here I have 2008/10 - 2008/12 - 2009/05 - 2010/01 - 2010/10  in abscissa.

    And me, I want to have 2008/10 - 2008/11 - 2008/12 - 2009/01 - 2009/02 - 2009/03 - 2009/04 - 2009/05 - 2009/06 - 2009/07 - 2009/08 - 2009/09 - 2009/10 - ... 2010/10

    I can't change anything in my .csv file, I don't have the permission (I'm a trainee ;) )

    Can I do this ? How please ?


    Thanks ! =)


    Post Edited by noude at 10/06/2010 14:58
  10. Hello!

    In a graphic "line" I have a line.
    This line  increments of 3 on the ordinate with each new abscissa.
    The abscissas are strings such as "2009-09", "2010-01", "2010-02", "2010-03", "2011-08."

    Actually I want this line increments 3 per 3 for each new month on the abscissa.
    But if I jump on the abscissa of 6 months, I have to do +3 * 6 done!

    And I don't understand how to do it at all ^ ^ '.

    Need your help please! =)

    Thank you!

  11. Ahahah I don't really understand what you are saying sorry because I'm a trainee for now and I don't know Java language :-/


    I will explain you what I am using.

    It's a big soft who give to iReports a file (I don't know what is it but it seems like a csv file I think), after I just have to create my fields and hop !

  12. Oooooh thanks for you answer !


    But, it's not a SQL request, it's like a .csv file with colums, so I have columns DATE1 and DATE2.


    And they are in a string format, and I want them in a date format.

    I selected field pattern as you said but it's don't work sorry !


    I really don't know how to change them in a date format =( =( =(


  13. Hello,

    I'm a newbie in Ireports and I don't know how to convert a string in a date format, in a report I have two colums: DATE1 and DATE2

    I have to compare them and have the difference of time between them.

    DATE1 == 2009-05-03

    DATE2 == 2010-06-12T20:17:35+02:00

    But DATE1 and DATE2 or in a string format ! :-/ How can I do this please ?


    Thanks for help !

    Post Edited by noude at 09/29/2010 09:52
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