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Posts posted by juanebella

  1. Hi, we have Jasperserver 3.1 installed with several modifications so that Dashboards can work correctly. For example: Allowing multi-select input controls, render all input controls with same width, etc. These changes are working fine, but we have been experiencing a really poor performance when the dashboard is loaded. Below you’ll see what we’ve found when digging in a little bit more about this.


    Basically the problem is that the parameters of the dashboard are being loaded by frame. In our case, we have 4 frames with almost the same parameters (most of them are multiple report controls, having only one or two single report controls by frame). This causes that each parameter is loaded 4 times and some of those parameters are queries that return thousands of records (we checked this by running a SQL Trace to the SQL Server database and then looking at the code).

    Furthermore, we took a look at the Jasperserver 3.1, 3.5 and 3.7 code and in all versions the ViewDashboardAction class works very similarly (at least the initDashboardParameters is the same in all of them). Although we noticed that some changes were made from 3.1 to 3.5 and 3.7, we believe those include only the way the dashboard itself loads and filters are set on it and not how the controls are loaded and linked to the content frames that have the JRXML reports.

    We only need a workaround or a way of improving performance when viewing a dashboard (this affects our customers) and not when designing (that would be the AdHocAction class we believe).

    Could someone please take a look and help us a little bit?


    Juan Bella.

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