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Posts posted by smith1234

  1. I have a similar problem but my problem is that pdf preview appears correct but when it prints the image seems collapsed or overlapped. 


    Did you find an answer for your issue?   I am wondering if somehow is related to mine?

  2. I have a report that has several input fields.  On this report there are two fields that are important for the query.  At least one of them needs to be filled in.  I don't want to make them both mandatory since if at least one is entered the query can be completed.  How can I managing the validation so that it checks that at least of these two fields is entered and if not it prompts the user to enter at least one of them?

  3. When exporting a report to a PDF and then printing the preview does not match what is printed.  It seems that a report that has a graph and grid becomes ovelapped.  I tried printing to the same printer from two different machines and on one system it printed ok and the other it did not.  I confirmed that the browser was equivalent, they both had the same version of XP with the same service pack.  The only difference I see that could be is the printer driver on the two machines.  Has anyone experienced this and is there any fix?

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