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Posts posted by marco12

  1.  Hi,

    I want to report time-lined records horizontally, i.e. the records are attributed with dates or periods which I want to display as the column header (maybe grouped by e.g. month), and the fields of the records should be the rows with the field names as row headers.

    Crosstabs seem to be too inflexible. Can I achieve this with normal tables? How?



  2.  I produce my design programmatically with DynamicJasper. In DJ is no option to add an additional text field to the header of a crosstab row, there is just one String parameter for the row header. Is it really possible to add another text column to the header of a row. Or do you mean to concatenate the names of my measures to the values of the row dimensions?

    In the second case I have the problem that I do not really want to print dimension values in the lines but print it as group titles:

       201  202


     a  1  2
     b  b1  b2


     a    3
     b    b3



  3. Hi Lucian,

    Thx for your answer.

    Actually I create the design and report via DynamicJasper. I have not found out yet how exactly it happens, I have DJ create a crosstab with measures of the className ValueWrapper and JRVerifier then checks measures of the className ValueWrapper but which are JRTextFields.

    I assume that all measure fields (element of element of JRCrossTab) are JRTextFields at that stage. But maybe DJ brings in the limitation by alway defining measures as JRTextFields???

    But if this was the case how could a Formatter work which process at the time of report generation and most probably needs the true type of the data to format - not a string representation?

    I do not want to process all as text fields to avoid loosing features like formating which can not reasonably work with text representations.

    I do not have a problem to implement any need method for my ValueWrapper but I need this type to pass the JRVerifier.



  4.  Hi,

    So far I did not find a reasonable way to use wrapped values because JRCompiler calls JRVerifier which checks against a hard coded list of class names.

    There is no way to register another Verifier. All methods are private in the class hierarchy. So I cannot override, can I?

    In the end it seems to be a quite inflexible architecture. Why does it not allow arbitrary classes which implement a required interface?

    Anyway, I appreciate any idea to progress before sending JR to hell.



  5. Thx, this is my plan if nobody tells me better.


    Do you know which methods the wrapper needs to provide (toString, compare, format???) or is there an interface defined to implement?


    Do you know where I can read something how the class.name parameter is used in JR?




  6.  Hi,


    I need to generate some sort of crosstab report, i.e.:

    • values which have row and column headers
    • row and column headers are actually hierarchies of headers (groups)

    There seems to be no problem with the requirements above, but I also have:

    • each value is of arbitrary type or empty which means
      • multiple classes per row
      • multiple classes per column


    Can this be done with JasperReports?




  7. Hi,

    I want to design a report which shows e.g. measures a and b for horizontal dimension h1 and h2 and vertical dimension v1 and v2.

    The input might be:

    h1  h2  v1  v2  a  b
     101  201  301  401  1  "b1"
     101  202  301  401  2  "b2"
     101  202  302  402  3  "b3"

     The output should be:

           201  202
     301  401  a  1  2
         b  b1  b2
     302  402  a    3
         b    b3

    If I just create 2 row, 2 columns, and 2 measures there is no title/label/header for my measures ("a", "b").

    If I create an additional row for measures and just 1 measure, I have the problem that the measures are of different types.

    If I create an additional row for measures and still 2 measures I would get a lot of empty lines??? BTW how do I return EmptyValue from my custom DataSource?


    I am lost. Please tell me the right approach.




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