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Posts posted by m_hammel

  1. Hi,

    I'm woring with jasperreports 3.7.5

    I'm trying to use a custom FormatFactoy implementation to handle the case of an empty string representation ( "" ) of the xml data for a date field. I implemented a class implementing FormatFactory which should handle that.


    My jrxml looks like this

    at my JRXMLDatsource I setted the source format patterns like this

    and of course handing over a instance of my FormatFactory

    Everything works fine here if the datasource xml do not contain "" values for a date field. But if that happens I got the exception

    If I debug the method calls for my custom FormatFactory implementation I recognize that both methods are not being called until running on the exception. Thus I assume that jasper is using the default FormatFactory by any reason.

    What do I wrong here? Do somebody have an idea about that?

    Thanks in advance

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