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Posts posted by waltron

  1. Hi,

    The above works when you have JRXML templates and have access to the parameter expressions, however has anyone been able to achieve relative/dynamic dates when scheduling ad hoc reports?

    I haven't been able to do this however our business really requires it.  The power of ad-hoc reporting seems to be really diminished by the fact that date input controls can't be anchored to the time of viewing/scheduling.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  



  2. Hi,

    I also get this exception.  

     java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser

    The funny thing is that the same setup works on my local machine (Mac 10.5), and only fails when run on a second machine that I'm staging on as a server (also OS X but snow leapard 10.6)

    I run JasperServer in jboss 4.2.3 on both environments.

    My java (the one that has no problems) is java version "1.5.0_26"

    The version having issues is  is java version "1.5.0_19"

    I don't believe the versions are a problem, but am giving them incase it helps anyone with a solution.

    I have done a lot of Googling, and the common theme that keeps comming up is something to do with X11.  This makes a little sense to me given the rendering nature of jasper, and the fact I see the failure occur when the report is generating (The actual JasperServer Web UI navigates and functions fine). I suspect the issue is actually happening between Jasper and the awt classes it uses for it's rendering but I'm not really sure. 

    Does anyone have a solution or idea about this?

    I have tried -Djava.awt.headless=true as a JVM arg, which removed the above exception, but introduced some Font problems (where fonts should have been available). 

    I'm wondering could it be a dependency on X11 libs by the JVM that is having permission problems or something.

    Thanks for any follup.

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