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  1. Figured it out thanks to JasperSoft support. The problem was that the OracleDrivers had not been placed in the server directory in addition to the iReport library. So, if anyone reading this encounters a similar issue, place the drivers in the jasper-server\WEB-INF\lib directory, restart the server, and try again.
  2. Hello, I am using iReports (3.7.0) with JasperServer (3.7.3) and Oracle (11.1). I added the JDBC data source just fine. I wrote a sample report using the data source, and it compiles and fills correctly. I published it to my server successfully. However, when I run the report unit from my repository navigator, I get an error in iReport: 1 - oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver java.lang.Exception: 1 - oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:403) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.runReport(WSClient.java:320) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.REportRunner.run(REportRunner.java:70) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:572) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(requestProcessor.java:997) Also, when I log into JasperServer and try to open that sample report, I get a different error stack trace, which is miles long (essentially restating the same ClassNotFoundException error). I have already tried several things to fix this: 1. I added the Oracle drivers to the iReport classpath. 2. I registered the Oracle drivers in the service window. 3. I placed the Oracle drivers in the iReportlibs folder. If I'm not mistaken, this is caused by the deprecation of oracle.jdbc.driver in favor of oracle.jdbc, so iReport and JasperServer are still searching for the old Oracle driver, but I am unsure of how to fix it. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance. Post Edited by oddpod11 at 06/09/2010 17:39
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