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  1. I am also seeing this exact same problem. Where you able to find a solution by any chance? Thanks.
  2. Answered my own question: In the subreport report element Data Source Expression: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource([$F{myArrayListOfInputStreams}]) Needed to remove the square brackets so it reads: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{myArrayListOfInputStreams}) Defined a field _THIS of type java.io.InputStream. Referenced $F{_THIS} in the detail band, and made sure it was of type java.io.InputStream. Works great.
  3. Answered my own question: In the subreport report element Data Source Expression: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource([$F{myArrayListOfIntegers}]) Needed to remove the square brackets so it reads: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{myArrayListOfIntegers}) Defined a field _THIS of type java.lang.Integer. Referenced $F{_THIS} in the detail band, and made sure it was of type java.lang.Integer. Works great. Post Edited by desertcoder at 12/22/2010 00:18
  4. What is required to display a subreport, using an ArrayList of Integers as a DataSource? Within the main report, I have defined the sub-report Data Source Expression as follows: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource([$F{myArrayListOfIntegers}]) The Connection Type is set to "Use a datasource expression". How do you reference the Integer field from the List within the detail band? Are there any field declarations necessary, and if so what is required? Thanks. Post Edited by desertcoder at 12/21/2010 23:35 Post Edited by desertcoder at 12/21/2010 23:36
  5. Hi All I have a report that processes a list of pojos just fine. Within the report, I have created a sub-report to display a List of InputStreams as images. Within the main report, I have defined the sub-report Data Source Expression as follows: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource([$F{myArrayListOfInputStreams}]) myArrayListOfInputStreams is a property of the pojo, and is of type java.util.ArrayList<java.io.InputStream> So far i have tried defining a Field named _THIS of type java.util.List in the sub-report. If I add an Image to the the sub-report Detail band, set the Image Expression to "$F{_THIS}.get(0)", and the Expression class to java.io.InputStream, I can get only one image to display properly. This is not desired, because I want to display all images in the list. Any ideas how to get the subreport to display all images in the list? I am not sure how to define the fields or what is required in the detail band to accomplish this. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
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