Hi All I have a report that processes a list of pojos just fine. Within the report, I have created a sub-report to display a List of InputStreams as images. Within the main report, I have defined the sub-report Data Source Expression as follows: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource([$F{myArrayListOfInputStreams}]) myArrayListOfInputStreams is a property of the pojo, and is of type java.util.ArrayList<java.io.InputStream> So far i have tried defining a Field named _THIS of type java.util.List in the sub-report. If I add an Image to the the sub-report Detail band, set the Image Expression to "$F{_THIS}.get(0)", and the Expression class to java.io.InputStream, I can get only one image to display properly. This is not desired, because I want to display all images in the list. Any ideas how to get the subreport to display all images in the list? I am not sure how to define the fields or what is required in the detail band to accomplish this. Any help much appreciated. Thanks.