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Posts posted by valdo

  1. Hey,

    today we decided in our company to use JasperReports as reporting tool in our Oracle APEX solutions. I got the assignment to find out how everything works and create a small testapplication. 

    After a day I have to say I'm really surprised about the possibilities from iReport, but I have one little issue where I need some help with. 

    I created a pretty basic report, with some labels and some database fields.  This all works pretty fine until I wanted to draw a rectangle around all my fields, so I can devide them in some regions. This works perfect for pdf & rtf, but I have to create also some docx reports for our testcase. And here I have some trouble. When I preview the report in Word it sometimes doesn't display certain items from my report. I found out that the fields can't overlap, in order to be displayed. But still I have trouble with the rectangle. If I bring it to the back it will not be displayed and if I bring it to front it will not display the fields inside the rectangle.  I have tried pretty much every possible combination, but maybe I'm missing something. 

    So I'm hoping somebody over here with some more experience could give me some pointers to prevent this from happening. 

    kind regards, 


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