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  1. No one that can help me with this problem? It seems like this must be a common problem when exporting a report to RTF? I've bought the documentation (for Jasper Reports and iReport), but can't find anything useful in those.
  2. Hi, I exported my report to RTF using JRRtfExporter(). However all the text gets left-aligned in WordPad (it looks ok in Word). I have a user requirement to get it to work in WordPad, so are there any alternatives for doing this? I have attached a simple test report. In the RTF-file the AAA's should be printed out as one row., the BBB's in one row etc. I'm thankful for any help I can get.
  3. alcoholic Wrote: I've finally been able to work this out. I made two scriptlet classes- one for main report and one for sub reports. I made one bean class as a holder for the data. I declared a variable with the type as bean class and passed that as a parameter to the subreports. Then using the sciptlets i retieved the data and manipulated it, and was able to successfully generate the TOC :) Hi there, can you explain in more detail how to achieve this? As the variable isn't set when creating the TOC (on the first page), it will be set to 'null'.
  4. I found one demo example of this in the jasperreports project. However, it's too complex where pages are moved back and forth. I also have slightly different requirements where I need to refer to the page number from different pages (and not only in a toc). Is this complex implementation the only way to achieve this? This should be a basic requirement in all reports, but as I couldn't find any information in the JasperReport and iReport documents I assume that it's not possible to get this done easily? Are there any other options to get this done? Any other tools that can be used? Post Edited by silversoft at 05/24/2010 08:22
  5. Hi all, I'm trying to create a Table of Contents in my report and can't figure out how to accomplish this. I've looked in the documents, but couldn't find anything useful there. I've also searched on google for examples with no success. My report consists of a main report with 5 group sections (containing subreports). I want my table of contents to print out the page number to each of these groups. I'm thankful for any help I can get.
  6. I got it to work in an isolated set up only including the jars that is needed. However i can't get it to work in our real application and I can't figure out why. When I analyzed the log, I could see that the difference was that the JRContinuationSubreportRunner was used instead of JRThreadSubreportRunner. I have tried to set the property net.sf.jasperreports.subreport.runner.factory to net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRThreadSubreportRunnerFactory according to the documentation, but that doesn't help. When I changed the property value in the file default.jasperreports.properties in jasperreports-javaflow-3.7.2.jar I got this to work. However, this sholdn't be the right place to do this in. Any suggestions? Post Edited by silversoft at 05/06/2010 14:11 Post Edited by silversoft at 05/06/2010 14:35
  7. I tried to create the same layout in version 2.0.5 and got it to work. I wonder why it doesn't work in 3.7.2?
  8. I have created a simple master report containing a simple sub report. The subreport is within the master report's detail band. The subreport is filled using an own JRDataSource. When the report is generated I get an infinite loop with a StackOverflow error. This only happens when I have so much data that the subreport overflows. Otherwise it works just fine. How can I get the subreport to span over multiple pages? How can I solve this? Thanks in advance. Attached are the report files. This is the java code that is used to fill the report: Code: Post Edited by silversoft at 05/05/2010 09:44
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