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  1. Hi All, I have data in the below format returned through a function which inturn calls the stored procedure internally. aaaaa 555555 eeeee 44444 fffffffffff 222222 my query that i am using in ireport looks like this select rptcode,rptcount from table(presidents_FUNC('2009')).When i map this query in ireport and try building a pie chart i am getting one chart per record returned by the function.it is not summarising into single chart. how to solve this? Any help would be appreciated. Anjan
  2. Hi All, I am a new user to jasper reports.i am using ireport designer to design my reports. issue i am facing is in using oracle stored procedures.i found lot of replies on source code available in the site but i am not able to download it,can anybody guide how to get the project source code for jrquery executor. Thanks in advance. Anjan
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