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  1. This happens on Chrome and Firefox as well...and, again, for certain customers - the download works as expected...so, a browser setting would not explain that behavior.. Thanks though!
  2. Greetings, I am rather new to JasperReports, so sorry if this is an obvious isse. We are creating reports (for download) in a web application. These reports are based on database queries - so the data is (obviously) different for each customer. Certain customers are able to download the reports just fine - however, other customers, when downloading, receive a 0 byte file. I have tried to debug this issue, but there is basically no debug level logging for JasperReports (at least version 3.5.3 - latest available via Maven). I have the "problem" area narrowed down to where I call the exportReports() java method. I can see my JasperFillManager.fillReportToStream() method creates a file with an output size > 0, but then when I call exportReport - the file size of the result is 0 bytes. Has anyone seen this before? Again, I know my jrxml file is fine, because this does work for certain customers - so it would appear that somehow the data is "breaking" exportReport() - even though there are no errors of any sort (OOM, encoding, etc etc).. As this problem is vague, I am not sure what type of information would be helpful - please let me know of anything else I can post to assist in this situation. For what it is worth, I have attached the code snippet that calls exportReport...it should also be noted that regardless of the exporter type, the "0 byte" problem happens... many thanks! Andy Code: Post Edited by andyatmiami at 04/09/2010 12:45
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