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Posts posted by planetzone

  1. In the Mondrian JavaDoc (http://mondrian.pentaho.com/api/mondrian/olap/SchemaReader.html) I found the following:

    If you use a SchemaReader from outside of a mondrian statement, you may get a EmptyStackException indicating that mondrian cannot deduce the current locus (statement context). If you get that error, call withLocus() to create a SchemaReader that automatically provides a locus whenever a call is made.

    Could this be the reason for the error? How can I fix this? I couldn't find the source code for the custom Jaspersoft mondrian or jpivor implementations in the subversion repo.



  2. After updaten my JasperServer 4.5 to 5.6 I encountered a few issues with the OLAP analysis. I can open the analysis just fine, but if I try to expand a dimension in the CUBE settings I get the following exception:

    java.util.EmptyStackExceptionat mondrian.util.ArrayStack.peek(ArrayStack.java:67)at mondrian.server.Locus.peek(Locus.java:61)atmondrian.rolap.SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren2(SqlMemberSource.java:949)atmondrian.rolap.SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren(SqlMemberSource.java:876)atmondrian.rolap.SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren(SqlMemberSource.java:849)atmondrian.rolap.SmartMemberReader.readMemberChildren(SmartMemberReader.java:248)atmondrian.rolap.SmartMemberReader.getMemberChildren(SmartMemberReader.java:210)atmondrian.rolap.RolapCubeHierarchy$CacheRolapCubeHierarchyMemberReader.readMemberChildren(RolapCubeHierarchy.java:599)atmondrian.rolap.RolapCubeHierarchy$CacheRolapCubeHierarchyMemberReader.getMemberChildren(RolapCubeHierarchy.java:695)atmondrian.rolap.SmartMemberReader.getMemberChildren(SmartMemberReader.java:176)atmondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaReader.internalGetMemberChildren(RolapSchemaReader.java:186)atmondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaReader.getMemberChildren(RolapSchemaReader.java:168)atmondrian.rolap.RolapSchemaReader.getMemberChildren(RolapSchemaReader.java:162)atmondrian.olap.DelegatingSchemaReader.getMemberChildren(DelegatingSchemaReader.java:78)atcom.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianMemberTree.internalGetChildren(MondrianMemberTree.java:252)atcom.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianMemberTree.getChildren(MondrianMemberTree.java:235)atcom.tonbeller.jpivot.navigator.member.TreeModelAdapter.getChildren(TreeModelAdapter.java:106)...                                             [/code]


    I googled the error and found similar problems with Pentaho BI (they use the same OLAP engine an jpivot; they are also the creators of the Mondrian OLAP engine). It seems to be fixed in their system.

    Has anybody encountered similar problems in Jasper BI and could provide a solution for this?

  3. There is an odd behaviour with calculated members in the analysis view of the jasper server:

    I have a set of rows like these:

    See screenshot view1

    I use a calculated member to display the cumulative sales to a specific period. This works as its intended to. But if you now click on “Hide Empty Rows/Columns”, the row with DepartmentA disappears although it obviously contains values:

    See screenshot view2

    To make sure that my MDX query was correct, I tested it with and without the hiding of empty fields in the workbench. In both cases it worked as it should, it displayed the values of the DepartmentA also. So now I was sure that the MDX query was not at fault.
    The only difference between DepartmentA and the other departments is that DepartmentA had no sales in July (2010 and 2011), the others had:

    See screenshot view3

    So I believe now that the Jasper Analysis view, unlike the workbench, doesn’t hide the rows with empty cumulative sales fields, but empty sales fields. Jasper Analysis doesn’t seem to take calculated members into account when hiding empty rows/columns. This results in a lot of inconveniences for my company, because it is a different behavior as one would expect from the OLAP function and it is inconsistent with the behaviour of the jasper workbench.

    Is this a bug or did I do something row? Has anyone experienced something similar?


  4. UPDATE:
    I found the MDX function 'VisualTotals' (msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms145527.aspx).

    This is my MDX example that I tried:

    {[Measures].[buchungsbetrag]} ON COLUMNS,
    VisualTotals({ [Dim_Konto.Konto].[All],
      ON ROWS
    from [Kontencube]

    With this I got the correct totals.
    When I executed the MDX statement in the Jasper workbench, I got the subtotal value, but not the "Subtotal" text left of it.
    The I tried it with a Jasper Analysis view. There, the value and the text were displayed, but when I tried to add another member something weird happend.
    The Subtotal became a member on the same level as the "All" Element:

    {[Measures].[buchungsbetrag]} ON COLUMNS,
      ON ROWS
    from [Kontencube]
    where [Dim_Zeit_Usage.Zeit].[All].[2010]

    The subtotal is still displayed, but only with the two members of the first MDX statement. When I try to edit the "Subtotal" Element I get this error:

    com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.model.OlapException: mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Internal error: Error while executing query [select {[Measures].[buchungsbetrag]} ON COLUMNS,
      Hierarchize(Union({[Dim_Konto.Konto].[subtotal], [Dim_Konto.Konto].[All].[01500], [Dim_Konto.Konto].[All].[63110], [Dim_Konto.Konto].[All].[63120]}, [Dim_Konto.Konto].[subtotal].Children)) ON ROWS
    from [Kontencube]
    where [Dim_Zeit_Usage.Zeit].[All].[2010]

    Has anybody of you the same problem or does know a solution?

    Post Edited by planetzone at 09/10/2010 13:22
  5. Hello,

    i want to get a sum of all selected elements of a dimension in my analysis.

    It should be displayed like the "All" element of a dimension, which shows the sum of all elements, but it should consider my restrictions in the dimension. 

    Basically I want the sum of all displayed Measures in a column.

    Is something like that possible with an MDX statement?






    Post Edited by planetzone at 09/01/2010 11:18
  6. Hi,

    I have many subreports in the detail band of my main report. Each subreport returns a total value to the main report.

    These values are stored in variables an the displayed in the same detail band as the subreports.

    Now I want to calculate the difference between two of my returned subreport values. So I created a new variable which subtracts one subreport variable from the other. But only "null" is displayed when I execute the report.

    The evaluation time of the displayed total variables is set to "Band" and of the variable to calculate with is set to "Report".

    The "Reset type" for both variables is set to "None".

    To eliminate the possibility of an error in my calculation, I tried to just display the value of the total variable in another variable.
    But this also displayed "Null".


    Does anyone has a suggestion on what could cause this?

  7. Hi,

    I have a table element in my report in the summary band. Now I want to calculate the sum of all values in a  column. So I created a variable which calculates the sum. When I insert the variable in my Main report it works just fine, the sum is calculated and displayed correctly. But I want the sum to be displayed in the last row of my table, so I thougt I could just drag the variable into a cell of the tabel. When I now execute the report, I get the "Variable not found: ORDERS_COUNT_SUM" error.

    So my questions are: Why can I use the variable outside the table but not within it? Is there another way to display the sum of a row in a table?

    Post Edited by planetzone at 05/14/2010 12:13
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