Hi, I update my libraries and iReport to 3.6.7, but, now the PdfServlet and XslServlet doesn't work I use this: session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE , jasperPrint); And that works in older version, but as I update the iReport, the new reports doesnt work with my old libraries, so I update it. But now I use the same code and when I try to access the pdf, the tomcat tell me "No JasperPrint documents found on the HTTP session". I try this and nothing: List jasperPrintList = new ArrayList(); jasperPrintList.add(jasperPrint); session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_LIST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrintList); Both, and nothing!! So, what can I do, someone help me, please!! Thanks!!