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  1. if I understand you, it happend to me, but, you can't do it with subreports, at least, I couldn't So, what I did was take the query of the subreport and put it in the query of the original report, something like that: father report query SELECT p.id AS 'id', ...* FROM permiso AS p ... Subreport query SELECT * FROM permiso AS p .... WHERE p.id = $P{id} GROUP BY p.id result SELECT p.id AS 'id', ...* FROM permiso AS p INNER JOIN (SELECT p.id AS 'id', * FROM permiso AS p .... GROUP BY p.id) AS subreport ON subreport.id = p.id And put the fields of the subreport in the original report, it was the only way that make this field "tallest to the largest object"
  2. Hi, rakeshenoch Wrote: Hi Vandana, If I have understood your problem your problem correctly, then I have two suggestions for you. I hope you have registered your ImageServlet in web.xml <servlet> <servlet-name>ImageServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>net.sf.jasperreports.j2ee.servlets.ImageServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>ImageServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/servlets/image</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> Secondly, the JasperPrint object created after filling the report must be available in the session object. You can do this as mentioned below. JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jreport, paramHashMap, connection); request.getSession().setAttribute(ImageServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrint); exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI, "servlets/image?image="); Hope this helps you. I use all this, but, since I update to 3.6.7, it doesn't work!!
  3. Hi, I update my libraries and iReport to 3.6.7, but, now the PdfServlet and XslServlet doesn't work I use this: session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE , jasperPrint); And that works in older version, but as I update the iReport, the new reports doesnt work with my old libraries, so I update it. But now I use the same code and when I try to access the pdf, the tomcat tell me "No JasperPrint documents found on the HTTP session". I try this and nothing: List jasperPrintList = new ArrayList(); jasperPrintList.add(jasperPrint); session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_LIST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrintList); Both, and nothing!! So, what can I do, someone help me, please!! Thanks!!
  4. Hi, I update my libraries and iReport to 3.6.7, but, now the PdfServlet and XslServlet doesn't work I use this: session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE , jasperPrint); And that works in older version, but as I update the iReport, the new reports doesnt work with my old libraries, so I update it. But now I use the same code and when I try to access the pdf, the tomcat tell me "No JasperPrint documents found on the HTTP session". I try this and nothing: List jasperPrintList = new ArrayList(); jasperPrintList.add(jasperPrint); session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_LIST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrintList); Both, and nothing!! So, what can I do, someone help me, please!! Thanks!!
  5. No, is something with the update from 3.6.1 to 3.6.7!! I fix that, but, now when I use the pdfservlet, the tomcat tell me "No JasperPrint documents found on the HTTP session". I try with this code, separete and together and nothing: List jasperPrintList = new ArrayList(); jasperPrintList.add(jasperPrint); session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_LIST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, jasperPrintList); &/| session.setAttribute(PdfServlet.DEFAULT_JASPER_PRINT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE , jasperPrint); Thanks
  6. Hi, I have the same problem. I try "all section, no detail" and nothing, I try the query with the parameters and that work in mysql and that works!! I don't know what else can i do!! Please, someone helpme!!
  7. How can I add a "set names 'latin'" to execute previous the real query, that because I have problems with some character like "ñ" and acents. I try adding the line in the begin of <queryString> but doesn't work, it give me a sql error. I try differents ways but nothing work!! Can somebody helpme? Code:<queryString><![CDATA[sET NAMES 'latin1';SELECT p.id AS 'id'....
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