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Posts posted by explorer

  1.  Thanks for your continued attempts to help me!

    I am also able to show page footer on the first page, and ignore it in the rest of the pages.  This is however not what I am trying to achieve. I want to accomplish two goals:

    1) Display the expression "Page currentPage of totalPages" in the footer of each page only when the report is two or more pages long.

    2) If the report is only one page long, then don't display the footer. Also don't let the footer band occupy any space on the report page.

    I have however given up as I am not able to achieve any of the above two goals.





  2.  I was not using the frame component to enclose the text fields. After reading your reply, I gave this idea a try, and enclosed the text fields in the frame component and specified the same print evaluation condition as defined for the text fields, but it didn't work; still a blank line is displayed.

    Common, things should not be so difficult. If a feature is given then it ought to work as the Japser Report version being used - version 4.5 - is a final relase version, and not some alpha/beta version.


  3.  Thanks again for replying back. 

    In my humble opinion, specifying Print When Expression condition with the textfields will cause the page footer band to occupy space on the page report even when the expression evaluates to false and text fields don't display any text. I am sorry as I didn't state it earlier, but my goal is also to not waste report page space in accomodating a band when it is not displaying any data/text.




  4.  Hi,

    I wish to remove a line from the report when the "Print When Expression" property evaluates to false for all the controls placed on that line. The line that I wish to remove carries two text field controls, I have specifed print condition for both of them (Please see the accompanying code). The issue that I am facing is that even when the print condition evaluates to false for both the controls, the line is not removed, and instead a blank line is printed /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif

    How can I completely remove the blank line so that no vacant space between the lines is shown?

    Thank you.



  5.  Thanks for your reply.

    On re-checking the code, I found that I was actually using the variable PAGE_COUNT instead of PAGE_NUMBER in the condition, and hence the footer was displaying even when there was a single page in the report. 

    The main problem however remains unresolved. On using the expression, new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue() > 1) , the footer on the first page is not displayed. This is probably due to the variable PAGE_NUMBER being evaluated "now" rather that at the end of the report. How can I get this expression to be evaluated at the end of the report so that the footer on each page is displayed only when the report is two or more pages long?

    Thank you.



  6.  Hi All,

    I wish to display page footers only wher there is more than one page in the report. To achieve this, I have specified the expression: new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue() > 1)in the "Print When Expression" property of the Page Footer band. However, this expression doesn't do the required task as the page footer is displayed even when there is a single page in the report.

    I understand that for it work, the expression evaluation time should be "Report" instead of "Now". However, there is no way available (atleast in iReport) to specify the time for band's condition's evaluation. So, given this constraint, how can I achieve my above-stated goal.

    Thank you.


    <pageFooter>		<band height="15">			<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_COUNT}.intValue() > 1)]]></printWhenExpression>			<textField>				<reportElement x="248" y="1" width="80" height="14"/>				<textElement textAlignment="Right"/>				<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["Page "+$V{PAGE_NUMBER}+" of"]]></textFieldExpression>			</textField>			<textField evaluationTime="Report">				<reportElement x="327" y="1" width="29" height="14"/>				<textElement/>				<textFieldExpression><![CDATA[" " + $V{PAGE_NUMBER}]]></textFieldExpression>			</textField>			<textField evaluationTime="Report">				<reportElement x="128" y="0" width="100" height="15"/>				<textElement textAlignment="Center" markup="none"/>				<textFieldExpression><![CDATA["Continued..."]]></textFieldExpression>			</textField>		</band>	</pageFooter>
  7. Hello,

    If backcolor is defined for a rectange element in a report and then when the report is run, it throws the exception:

    Class not found when loading object from file

    In the stack trace, it shows the cause of the problem as:

    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.netbeans.beaninfo.editors.ColorEditor$SuperColor

    I understand that some required jar that includes the above-mentioned netbeans class is not added to the report's classpath, and that's why the error. But, how can I figure out which jar to add to get rid of the error. There are so many jars in the "lib" directory of Jasper Reports, and I can't seem to find any documentation explaining the purpose of each jar.

    I would be thankful if someone could suggest the name of the jar to add to resolve the problem.







  8. Hi All,

    I am using Jasper Reports 3.7.5 and JDK 1.6 (update 20). The report launched from my application running inside the Netbeans IDE 6.9 runs perfectly well.

    However,  when the report is launched from the application outside of the IDE, nothing happens (no even an exception is shown). All the required jars are on the applicatons' classpath. The report path is not hard-coded, and I have verified that at runtime the report path is correct.

    Please suggest what could be the reason for this strange behavior?





    try            {                jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(                reportPath, hashMap, dataSource);                //no code executes afte this line. Not even an exception is thrown               if(jasperPrint == null) {                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Jasper print is null");               } else {                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Jasper print is not null");               }            }            catch (JRException e)            {                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage());            } catch (Exception e) {                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage());            }            JasperViewer jasperViewer = new JasperViewer(jasperPrint, false);            jasperViewer.setTitle("Report Viewer");            jasperViewer.setVisible(true);            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Report Printed");// end of code
  9. I assume that you are using the iReport designer.

    The iReport doesn't catch the variables defined in a sub-reports. So, these variable names have to be manually typed in the master report in the returned values dialog.

    I also tried returning values from the sub-report to the main report, but it was always showing the value to be null even when the evaluation time of the text field was set to "Report". It appears certainly a bug to me.


  10. Hi All,

    I have created a report that includes sub-report and other elements. All the elements are placed in the summary band.

    The report is using JREmptyDataSource as the data source.  The problem I am facing is that the sub-report elements are moving downwards without any obvious reason and are causing mis-alignments.  See the screenshot of the report at http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/3927/reportscreenshot.png

    The reports have been created using the iReport designer and the source jrxml files of master and sub-report are attached.

    I also had included another sub-report in the master report, but had to delete it as it was not showing at run-time due to the contents of the summary band exceeding the page height. So, what can I do to ensure that the band overflows to the next page when its contents can't be accommodated in a single page?

    Thank for any assistance you can offer.





  11. Hi All,

    Could you suggest whether the older jrxml files created in the older versions of iReport are automatically upgraded when opened in newer iReport?

    Say, for  instance, a jrxml file was created  using iReport 3.7.2, then when it is opened in iReport 3.7.4, will it be automatically upgraded or it has to be manually done?




    Post Edited by explorer at 09/20/2010 10:20
  12. Hi,

    I need to know whether the font name for a textfield in a jasper report can be changed in runtime or not?

    My client wants the company  name to be displayed in a font that is chosen by him in run-time (while printing the report).

    With my current knowledge of Jasper Reports, I don't see this possible even with conditional styles; but, members here may have better ideas.






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