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Posts posted by xerocool

  1. hey thanks for the help, but i have been trying nvl function in ireport and im getting this error

    ERROR : SQL Problems : 'nvl' is not a recognized built- in function

    also as for the Default Parameter Value = null

    ERROR : nvarchar value to data type bit error 

    Only Oracle supports NVL function right ? Im using MYSQL  .. correct me if i am wrong

    Thanks  :)


    Post Edited by xerocool at 03/17/2010 09:26
  2. yes i am referring to the database records , parameter values 0/1 as in, if between the two parameters (Os_List,Location)

    if one of them is kept blank,the output is blank , but if both are entered i get correct result  

    i went through few articles on Dynamic Where clause,but none of the syntax worked properly

    " SELECT Cus_Name,
    FROM @Customers
    WHERE (Cus_Name = @Cus_Name OR @Cus_Name IS NULL) AND
    (Cus_City = @Cus_City OR @Cus_City IS NULL) AND
    (Cus_Country = @Cus_Country OR @Cus_Country IS NULL) " 

    Following is the entire code 



    SELECT     Computer."Computer_Idn" AS Computer_Computer_Idn,     Computer."LoginName" AS Computer_LoginName,     BoundAdapter."Computer_Idn" AS BoundAdapter_Computer_Idn,     Operating_System."Computer_Idn" AS Operating_System_Computer_Idn,     Operating_System."OSType" AS Operating_System_OSType,     Processor."Computer_Idn" AS Processor_Computer_Idn,     Processor."Type" AS Processor_Type,     Processor."MaxSpeed" AS Processor_MaxSpeed,     Memory."Computer_Idn" AS Memory_Computer_Idn,     Memory."BytesTotal" AS Memory_BytesTotal,     BoundAdapter."PrimaryDNS" AS BoundAdapter_PrimaryDNS,     BoundAdapter."IPAddress" AS BoundAdapter_IPAddress,     Land."Computer_Idn" AS Land_Computer_Idn,     Land."ClientConfigurationName" AS Land_ClientConfigurationNameFROM     "dbo"."Computer" Computer INNER JOIN "dbo"."Operating_System" Operating_System ON Computer."Computer_Idn" = Operating_System."Computer_Idn"     INNER JOIN "dbo"."Land" Land ON Computer."Computer_Idn" = Land."Computer_Idn",     "dbo"."BoundAdapter" BoundAdapter,     "dbo"."Processor" Processor,     "dbo"."Memory" MemoryWHERE     Computer.Computer_Idn = BoundAdapter.Computer_Idn     and Computer.Computer_Idn = Operating_System.Computer_Idn     and Computer.Computer_Idn = Memory.Computer_Idn     and Computer.Computer_Idn = Processor.Computer_Idn     and Computer.Computer_Idn = Land.Computer_Idn     and Operating_System.OSType = ISNULL ($P{Os_List},Operating_System.OSType)     and Land.ClientConfigurationName = ISNULL($P{Location},Land.ClientConfigurationName)ORDER BY     BoundAdapter."IPAddress" ASC
  3. I’ve been having a problem with using COALESCE/ISNULL. Everything seems to work fine, expect when a field has a NULL value. If the record has a NULL value the record is not returned.

    If the value of both parameter is 1 , it returns valid data , but if any one of them in 0 , its showing me Blank Page


    Here is the part of code - (where clause)

         Computer.Computer_Idn = BoundAdapter.Computer_Idn
         and Computer.Computer_Idn = Operating_System.Computer_Idn
         and Computer.Computer_Idn = Memory.Computer_Idn
         and Computer.Computer_Idn = Processor.Computer_Idn
         and Computer.Computer_Idn = Landesk.Computer_Idn
      ------>   and Operating_System.OSType = ISNULL($P{Os_List},Operating_System.OSType)
         and  Land.ClientConfigurationName = ISNULL($P{Location}, Land.ClientConfigurationName) <---------

    Tried the same with COALESCE Function , but same error,also if i execute only one of the above command its working , but i need both


    Thanks :)

    Post Edited by xerocool at 03/15/2010 10:22

    Post Edited by xerocool at 03/15/2010 10:24
  4. hey

    i got the ISNULL function working :) thanks, 

    also there's one more doubt i would like to ask,I need to create a Report with Prompt Box(Parameters) 

    now my Database has PC's from 5 different Locations,So how do i group them according to Location(IP Address) ? (Subreport ?)


    example - It will ask for a prompt box (Location) - supposing i am differentiating them on basis of IP address,

    so if i enter IP Range of Location A ,it should just show me data of only those PC's



  5. Hi,

    Thanks for the Help

    But i found out that ISNULL() works similary to NVL function,now the problem is i cant sucessfully implement

    ISNULL function in WHERE Clause For two parameters..any help ?,it wont retrive data



  6. guys, i have passed two parameters, (example - IP,Operating_System)

    now when i execute the report,if 1st parameter is left blank,how can i just print the remaining parameters (excluding the one left blank)


    tried using NVL function in Ireport,it says not a built in function.Any other alternative's ?



  7. when i execute charts (Pie Chart),and  when i hit preview it shows me the output,and next time if i log out and come back 

    and try to execute the same chart,the output shows blank ! :@ , any idea whats going on ? this is all random 



    2) How do i add percentage tag to pie charts ??

    3) How to add hyperlink to each part of Pie chart, corresponding to its equivalent report ?  




  8. Im pretty new to this,but after reading few tutorials got the Database linked to ireports3.7

    I have few queries

    I need to prepare a chart-

    1.)When i add specific data during template wizard (for eg,Bios,Computer id,Antivirus Version,Manufacturer etc etc) it is showing me valid data of few random sections(example-Bios,Comp id ), while rest is some weird value(ex-Antivirus version,manufacturer)

    2.)When i execute the template,if i use blank template (the output is blank),but the same if used with say Cherry(or some other template) it is displaying the output ..help on this please? 

    3)Under which section can i find the Internet Protocol (IP address) tab


    thanks :)



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