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Posts posted by smokkydesperado

  1. Hey

    In iReport library ( window pane just below Element properties . Right of your layout ) , there is a pre-defined element labelled "Page X of Y" . You can drag and drop this element on to your layout and use it to display the same.

    You can also check out the underlying code by referring the properties of this element.

  2. In my PDF layout , there is a PAGE HEADER band and PAGE FOOTER band which is to be displayed in every page.

    There is a LAST PAGE FOOTER band which is to be displayed in the last page of the pdf.

    Whenever the PDF is generated from Java using JasperReports with the last page containing only the SUMMARY band(no DETAILS displayed) , LAST PAGE FOOTER and PAGE HEADER bands are not getting displayed.

    The same is getting displayed when a part of DETAIL band is present along with summary in the last page.

    How can i fix this problem since LAST PAGE FOOTER and PAGE HEADER is kind of mandatory.

    Please help!!


  3. In my PDF layout, i have included a  static text in a  custom font ( downloaded and imported into the system from the internet ) .

    When i generate the PDF using iReport tool( Build - > Execute (empty datasource) ) , the static text with the custom font is displayed properly .


    When  i generate the PDF using JasperReport (after mapping header and datasource ) in my Java Code, ... the same static text is coming with an entirely different font. Probably a default font.

    I am not able to fix this problem. 


    PS: i am using iReport v1.3.2



  4. I am using iReport 1.3.2 to generate a PDF file.

    The mapping of values displayed in the PDF is done using jasperreports API. The values to be displayed in the PDF are retrieved from the database and are mapped to the corresponding parameter value specified in PDF layout created using iReport.

    Now the requirement is to display an image in the generated PDF ( the image is stored in the server ) . 

    How can i map an image(bitmap) to a  parameter in the iReport PDF layout using Jasperreports API in my Java code?


    PS:I can provide more info if required.

    Thanks in advance.

  5. I want the PageHeader Section to be displayed only in pages starting from page no:2 to the rest of the pages. It Shouldnt get printed in first page.


    I have tried using the print when expression Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue() > 1) for the elements printed in Page header for the first page but the first page still has the empty space .

    How to reduce the Page Header section size to zero for the first page alone.??

  6. My requirement is to generate two PDFs using two JRXML files.I am using two different hashmaps to map header and summary values in the PDF layout but i am using only one single datasource for table values in both the PDFs.

    Please find the code below

    After execution of the following code, i get two pdf files in the output directory ( as specified in exportReportToPdfFile method).

    But only the first PDF is perfect.

    The second pdf is entirely blank.

    Need help ASAP. Can someone please shed some light on the issue.


    Thanks in advance.

    //Mapping is done herepdfStructure = mapRows.processInvoiceTooling(exciseInvoiceObj);//Configuring 1st PDF		jasperFileName   = pdfStructure.getFileName();headerFooterMap  = pdfStructure.getHeaderFooterMap();		jasperDataSource = pdfStructure.getJasperDataSource();		//Creating PDF 1jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(jasperFileName);jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);jasperPrint   = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, headerFooterMap, jasperDataSource);JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,"/Test_1.pdf");//Configuring 2nd PDF		jasperFileNameChallan = pdfStructure.getFileNameChallan();headerFooterMapChallan = pdfStructure.getHeaderFooterMapChallan();//Creating PDF 2jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(jasperFileNameChallan);jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);jasperPrint   = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, headerFooterMapChallan, jasperDataSource);JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,"/Test_2.pdf");
  7. Hey... I am using ireport to design a PDF that would fetch a set of tuples/rows from database and populate the same in a table in the PDF.

    But when i execute the report with an active datasource ( here: DB) with the query returning 3 rows , ..Only one row is getting printed per page.That is ,.. Each page of the PDF has only one  row printed in the table.


    How can i increase the value to 10 so that 10 rows/records are printed in each page?

    Your help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance :)



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