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Everything posted by augarte

  1. Great!!!! Removing header and footer was enough to obtain the report as I want!! Thank you very much!!!!
  2. Thanks!! I'll check the structure of the report and try to solve it. I'll give you a feedback. One karma point for you! /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif
  3. Hi ! I've problems when exporting to excel. The problem is that I want to display each column in one cell, but I have some columns which are displayed in 2 or more cells. I export the .jasper object in the following way: OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream (new File(XlsNam)); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream (); JRXlsExporter exporterXLS = new JRXlsExporter (); exporterXLS. setParameter (JRXlsExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); exporterXLS. setParameter (JRXlsExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, byteArrayOutputStream); exporterXLS. setParameter (JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.TRUE); exporterXLS. exportReport (); outputStream. write (byteArrayOutputStream. toByteArray ()); outputStream. flush (); outputStream. close (); As you can see in the attached example, the second column is displayed in 2 cells (B and C) and the third one in four cells (D, E, F and G). Do I have to activate any option? Does anybody know the reason of that?
  4. Hi! For creating reports dynamically I recomend you the Dynamic Jasper API: http://dynamicjasper.sourceforge.net/ I have used it because I have some kind of reports which are similar but the number of fields changes from one to the other. We are actually using this API in our company and we have had very good results.
  5. Hi shertag The problem is that I don't have any jrxml. I'm using JasperReports and Dynamic Jasper and sometimes I mix which functionalities are from one project and which ones are from the other /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/embaressed_smile.gif. I guess the functions I'm using in this case are from Dynamic Jasper so I'm afraid you won't be able to help me. Anyway, thanks for your help! Kind regards. Aitor
  6. Hi! I've a report which has some criteria and I want to show them aligned. I know I can add them with "addAutoText" but the problem is that I want to show them below the title, and adding them as 'autoText' are showed above the title. Another chance is to add them ass subtitle, but I have to construct a String, doing some calculations and adding some spaces between each criterion. I want to show the criteria in the following way: Date: 03-09-10 FirstBdt: 31-08-10 FirstEdt:03-09-10 FirstLab:SEP-10 SendBdt: 31-07-10 SenEdt: 31-08-10 SendLab: AUG-10 TrtBdt: 30-06-10 TrtEdt: 31-07-10 TrdLab: JUL-10 Pro: FO CbSpe: Hedge fund The calculations are made in the following way: - Get the number of pixels of the report - Calculate the number of pixels of the criteria of each line - Calculate the number of free pixels for this line - Calculate the number of blank spaces betwenn each criterion (knowing the pixels for one blank space) I have done all the calculations, but when I create the report the criteria are not correctly aligned. Did anybody need to do something similar? Does anybody know any other way for doing this? Any help will be really thankfull. Thanks in advance! Aitor
  7. Hello, I have created a report with iReport. The font type of some fields is 'Albertus'. As this font type doesn't exist for pdf format, the pdf font type is set to 'Helvetica'. Anyway, when I try to run the report I get the following error: JRFontNotFoundException: Font 'Albertus' is not available to the JVM. See the Javadoc for more details. Does anybody know which could be the reason of that? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi, I have some reports that when I launch them from a batch, are created perfectly. The problem is that when I try to execute the same from Tomcat, I get the following error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report java source files : C:\Tomcat6\webapps\BIL\WEB-INF\bin\report32name_1279726889421_322840.java I guess the error is because I'm missing a jar file. Does anybody know the solution for that? Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Aitor
  9. Hi everyone, I have a report that I want to export to different formats, but the reports are not exactly the same in all the formats. For example, I export a jasperPrint to pdf format without problems. When I export the same jasperPrint to Excel format, I have to remove the heading and the pagination. Does anybody know which modifications shall I do to achieve what I want? Thanks in advance, Best regards.
  10. Finally I could solve it. I used <b> instead of <strong> and now the JasperPrint is visualized as I want. But still have another problem: when exporting to pdf, the styles are lost. I know I can use a "Pdf Font Name" to set it as bold, but it is be applied to the entire textfield and not only to the values of the fields. I'm afraid there is no chance to achieve what I want. Thanks anyway to dnewson and rushit!!! Kind regards, Aitor
  11. Thanks rushit, but it seems I'm missing something. I've set the markup to html but the fields are not displayed as bold. It seems it undestands the "<strong>" tag but it is not applied. ¿Do I have to use any special encoding? ¿Does the font type have any effect on it? Thanks. Kind regards, Aitor
  12. Hi rushit, Please, could you tell us how to set mark up of text field to HTML? Thanks, Aitor
  13. Thanks for the reply dnewson. I have tried as you said but it is not working. What I see in my report is the following: "This is one variable: <strong>"value of $F{grp}"</strong>. This is another one <strong>"value of$F{MtmRv}"</strong> And the last one : <strong>"value of $F{MtmRa}"</strong> to check how it works depending on the length of each variableI don't know if it is possible to mix formatting information and data in a textfield.
  14. I was able to do it! I createf a new Text Field and insert this: "This is one variable: " + $F{grp} + ". This is another one "+ $F{MtmRv} + ". An the last one : " + $F{MtmRa}+ " to check how it works depending on the length of each variable" grp, MtmRm and MtmRa are Fields that I have generated from my datasource. Now I have another issue, I want the fields (grp, MtmRm, and MtmRa) to be "bold". Does anybody know how to set the fields as bold (only the values of the fields, not all the text) Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Aitor
  15. Hi everyone! I want to link the values of some fields with static text. What I want to do is something similar to the following: "Static text before the field " + F{FieldName} + "static text after the field" I have tried it but without success. Did anybody have the same problem? Any solution please? Thanks in advance, Kind regards.
  16. Hi, When I have a datasource with some data in the header, a title and a footer but no data in the detail, the created report is empty. When I try to view it with the JasperViewer it shows a message "the document has no pages". The detail has to be empty but I want to show the header, the title and the footer in the created pdf. How can I achieve that? Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Aitor
  17. Hi everyone, I've been reading a lot of posts in this forums finding solutions for this issue but with no success. I have some fields, that depending on the case, its lenght can vary a lot. I want to know if it is possible to change the width of the field depending on the value it has in each case. ¿Has anybody reached that? I will highly appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Aitor Post Edited by augarte at 07/15/2010 07:24
  18. Hi everyone! I'm facing a problem and I'm not sure if can be solved with Jasper. I have some reports, and I want to apply conditional formatting. Supose that a report has n columns. Depending on the value of one of the columns, I want to apply the same Style to all the line. My doubt is how can I apply a conditional style to a column, depending on the value of another column. I'm afraid this is not possible, but just to know if someone has had the same problem. To understand my problem better, I have attached an example. There, if the first column has any value, the background color of all the line is line. If the first column in empty, the background color for all the line is white.Thank in advance for you answers!Regards. Post Edited by augarte at 03/10/2010 08:10
  19. Hi Crew! Thanks for your time! I have been developing reports with Jasper and Dynamic Jasper for the last two years. My clients requested me some improvements in the reports and I was wondering if someone could help me. Here I go: 1) Is it possible to add text only in the header of the first page? I always add report headers using "addAutoText" function, but the requeriment is that it only has to appear in the first page. I have found this kind of reports on the net, but don't know how to solve my problem 2) The second one is about pagination. There are some reports where the number of columns is really big. Sometimes, there is no space in the report to fit all the columns. I have tried minimizing the font number, but in some cases this has to be too small. My question is if it is possible to create a report (pdf format), with some columns in a page, and the rest in another one. I guess this is more difficult than the first question... Any answer will be wellcome and really helpfull. Thanks in advance!
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